I get asked quite often why I like to cook. The first reason I give is normally because I like to eat. I am Thai and food is a big factor in our culture. We greet each other with hello followed by 'have you eaten? When guests turn up at your house it's safe to assume that they will expect to be fed.

The second reason is that as I grew up in the Northeastern part of Thailand, the poorest region, food was always hard to come by. We weren't hungry as there was always rice, but it was difficult finding something to go with rice. Now I do have ingredients to go with rice, I want to cook!

Thursday 26 May 2016



Jambalaya is a dish of Creole origin, consisting of smoked sausage, chicken and seafood. My version is very meat heavy and doesn't include seafood as it's not something other family members enjoy. This is a strong, bold and gutsy meal and not a dish to hold back on. When I was a student we would eat this all the time, so much so that I had not eaten it in 15 years! I think the ingredients used, when we were cash-strapped students, were a lot more inferior and has left a bad memory. For this reason old age is something to be celebrated....
This is my first jambalaya in a long time and it's delicious. It's smoky, spicy, filling and easy, essentially a one pot wonder.

Serves 6.


-650g sliced free range chicken breasts.
-3 rashers sliced bacon.
-150g sliced Chorizo.

-2 onion, cut into chunks.
-3 cloves chopped garlic.
-1 stalk chopped celery.
-4 sliced chillies.
-2 peppers, cut into chunks.
-6 tomatoes, quartered.

-1tbsp dry oregano.
-1tbsp pimentòn.
-1tbsp paprika.
-1tbsp cayenne pepper. 
-salt and pepper.
-1tbsp balsamic vinegar.
-2tbsp soy sauce.

Bay leaves.
Fresh thyme.

   The rice.
-1 clove chopped garlic.
-2 sliced shallots.
-500g long grain rice.

500ml cider.
1.5 litres chicken stock.

In a large wok, with 1tbsp olive oil, add
-bacon, with
Cook, stirring occasionally, until the meat pieces have browned, add
-the vegetables,
-the herbs,
Cook, stirring occasionally, to coat the vegetables in the spices, until they are almost cooked through, add
-the chicken pieces.
Cook, stirring, until the chicken pieces are cooked through.
Taste and adjust the seasoning.
Spoon into a platter and leave aside.

Put the wok back on the heat, add 1tbsp olive oil, put in
Cook, stirring constantly, until the vegetables have softened, add
Cook, stirring, to coat the rice in the oil, add
-500ml cider.
Stir well to combine.
Turn the heat to medium-low.
Leave the rice to cook and absorb the liquid, stirring occasionally.
Once the cider has been absorbed, add
-500ml stock.
Leave the rice to cook and absorb the liquid, stirring occasionally.
Once the stock has been absorbed, add
-100ml stock at time.
Stirring constantly to prevent the bottom burning. 
Continue to add the stock this way until the rice is cooked through.
The process should take about 30 minutes.
Add the chicken mixture to the wok.
Stir well to combine.
Taste and adjust the seasoning.

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