I get asked quite often why I like to cook. The first reason I give is normally because I like to eat. I am Thai and food is a big factor in our culture. We greet each other with hello followed by 'have you eaten? When guests turn up at your house it's safe to assume that they will expect to be fed.

The second reason is that as I grew up in the Northeastern part of Thailand, the poorest region, food was always hard to come by. We weren't hungry as there was always rice, but it was difficult finding something to go with rice. Now I do have ingredients to go with rice, I want to cook!

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Yachae Hotteok.

Yachae Hotteok.

Hotteok are Korean pancakes filled with your chosen fillings. In this case yachae, which means vegetables. Hotteok are pancakes but in reality they are more similar to doughnuts. The process starts with bread dough stuffed with vegetables and noodles then deep fried. The result is crispy outside, soft and savoury on the inside. The pancakes on their own are delicious but I feel they could do with a sauce or a dip, hence my sweet and sour tomato sauce. These pancakes are my savoury version but I am planning a very seasonal mincemeat filling with my next batch.

The filling.

Soak 50g dry rice noodles in boiling water for 5 minutes,

Drain well.

Snip with scissors into 10-12cm strips.

In a wok, with a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, fry

-50g sliced onions,

-100g sliced carrots.

Cook, stirring occasionally until the onions have softened, add

-100g sliced mushrooms,

-2 sliced spring onions,

-2tbsp soy sauce,

-1tbsp Mirin.

Continue to cook for a couple minute or so.

Turn off the heat, add

-the noodles.

Stir well to combine.

Leave to cool completely.

The yeast.

In a bowl, put in,

-325ml lukewarm water,

-60ml milk,

-1tsp caster sugar,

-1 1/2 tsp dried active yeast,

Stir well, leave to stand for 15 minutes.

The dry mixture.

In a large bowl, put in,

-550g strong white flour,

-1tsp sea salt.

Mix well and leave aside.

When the yeast is ready add to the dry mixture,

Bring to a rough dough with your hand.

Tip onto a floured surface and knead to a smooth and elastic dough, around 5 minutes. (The dough is ready when it springs back when pressed with your finger)

Put the dough into an oiled bowl, cover, and leave to prove in a warm place for 2 hrs.

Work with 65 of dough at a time.

Shape each dough into roughly 12 round discs.

Fill each disc with a heaped tablespoonful of filling.

Pull up the edges to encase the filling and shape into a ball.

Turn the balls upside down, so that the smooth side is on top.

Repeat until you are done.

You should get 15 pancakes.

Fry in a frying pan on medium heat.

(The vegetable oil should be about 1cm above the base).

Fry in batches on medium heat.

Cook until golden brown before turning.

Once you've turned the pancakes, push carefully but firmly to flatten the pancakes with the back of a spatula.

Drain well.

The tomato relish.

In a large saucepan, with a tablespoon of vegetable oil, put in

-2 sliced onions,

-2 cloves chopped garlic,

-5-6 sprig coriander,

-2 sliced chillies.

Cook stirring occasionally until the vegetables have softened, add

-2x400 tinned tomatoes,

-1tbsp balsamic vinegar,

-2tbsp soy sauce,

-1tsp salt,

-2tbsp caster sugar.

Leave to simmer until the sauce has thickened (stirring occasionally) for around 20-30 minutes.

Taste and adjust the seasoning.

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