I get asked quite often why I like to cook. The first reason I give is normally because I like to eat. I am Thai and food is a big factor in our culture. We greet each other with hello followed by 'have you eaten? When guests turn up at your house it's safe to assume that they will expect to be fed.

The second reason is that as I grew up in the Northeastern part of Thailand, the poorest region, food was always hard to come by. We weren't hungry as there was always rice, but it was difficult finding something to go with rice. Now I do have ingredients to go with rice, I want to cook!

Sunday 31 January 2016

Peach and Pistachio Semifreddo.

Peach and Pistachio Semifreddo.
Large loaf tin lined with cling film.

          In large saucepan, put in,
-400ml water.
Bring it up to a gentle simmer.

           Use an electric mixer beat,
-3 eggs + 3 egg yolks, with
-180g caster sugar,
-1tsp vanilla bean paste.
Beat until light and frothy.
Transfer into a heatproof bowl.
Place on the pan of simmering water.
Use a balloon whisk to whisk the mixture over simmering water. Whisk continuously for 5 minutes. Leave to cool slightly.

            In a frying pan put in,
-100g shelled pistachios.
Dry roast on low heat until lightly toasted.
Once cooled enough to handle, chop into rough crumbs. Leave to cool.

            Use an electric mixer, to beat,
-600ml double cream with,
-250g mascarpone cheese,
-2tbsp icing sugar,
-1tsp vanilla bean paste.
Beat until the cream just holds its shape.
Gently fold through,
-egg mixture,
-3/4 roasted pistachios.
Spoon into the prepared tin.
Freeze for at least 4 hours.
          To serve.
-410g tinned peaches on top.
Sprinkle over reserved pistachios.
Cut into thick slices.

Treacle Tart.

Treacle Tart.

25cm loose bottomed tart tin.

             Sweet shortcrust pastry.
In a food processor, put in,
-250g plain flour,
-125g chilled butter,
-2tbsp icing sugar,
-1 egg yolk, reserve the white.
Process well to combine. If there are too many dry crumbs left add 
-cold water, a tablespoon at a time.
Tip on to a floured surface, knead briefly to bring the dough together.
Roll out to fit the tart tin, about 1/2cm in thickness. Prick the base with a fork. Refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Oven 180c fan forced.
 Bake the chilled pastry for 15 minutes (there's no need to blind bake). Take the pastry case out of the oven, brush with,
-reserved egg white,
Bake 5 more minutes.

In a large saucepan, put in,
-100g soft brown sugar,
-500g treacle tart,
-1tsp vanilla bean paste,
-pinch of salt.
Cook, stirring, on low heat until the sugar has melted, take off the heat , add
-100g breadcrumbs,
-80g ground almonds,
-50g desiccated coconut.
Stir to combine. 
Pour the mixture into the tart tin.

Bake in 180c fan forced for 20 minutes.
Leave aside to cool and firm up.

Saturday 30 January 2016

Thai Chicken Massaman Curry.

Thai Chicken Massaman Curry แกงมัสมั่น.

Serves 6-8.

In 2011 CNNGo named this dish the world's most delicious food.
Perhaps not as well known as a Green or Red curry and it's not native to Thailand. The Massaman curry is our interpretation of a Persian dish and its name means Muslim Curry. We have, of course, assimilated the dish with our added fresh, more familiar, herbs and vegetables: galangal, coriander, shallots, ginger, garlic, lemongrass and lime leaves.
This dish does take time to prepare but the curry, like most curries, tastes better the next day so prepare the day ahead.


       In a frying pan, dry roast,
-5 red chillies (seeds removed, optional),
-1tsp peppercorns,
-1 stick cinnamon,
-3 cardamom pods,
-5 cloves,
-2tbsp cumin seeds,
-2tbsp coriander seeds.
Cook, stirring, on low heat until the spices are toasted and fragrant.
Finely grind using a spice grinder or pestle and mortar. Leave aside.

      In a frying pan, dry fry,
-3cm ginger, 
-5 cloves garlic,
-2x4cm galangal,
-2 stalks lemongrass,
-10 shallots,
-1tsp sea salt.
Cook, stirring, on low heat, until the vegetables have softened and slightly charred. Leave to cool slightly.

      In a frying pan, dry roast,
-100g shelled peanut, until golden brown.
Leave to cool slightly.

When cooled enough to handle,
-roasted vegetables in a food processor (reserving 5 shallots),
-50g roasted peanuts,
-a small bunch fresh coriander,
Pulse to a fine mixture, add
-roasted dry spice.
Pulse to combine.
Now you have a curry paste.

    In a large stock pot, fry,
-curry paste, with
-1tsp shrimp paste,
-2tbsp coconut milk,
-2 star anise,
-1tsp ground mace,
-1tsp turmeric powder,
-4 kaffir lime leaves,
Cook, stirring, on low heat for about 5 minutes, add
-2kg free range chicken pieces,
Cook, stirring, to coat the meat in the spices, add
-the rest of the 400ml coconut milk, 
-500g potatoes, cut into large chunks, add
-reserve shallots,
-reserved peanuts,
-2-3 bay leaves,
-400ml water.
Leave on a gentle simmer for about an hour or until the chicken is cooked through and the sauce has thickened.

To taste:
-soy sauce.
-1tbsp palm or brown sugar.

Friday 29 January 2016

Vegetarian Fried Rice.

Vegetarian Fried Rice.

Serves 4.

-1 onion, finely chopped,
-1 clove garlic, finely chopped,
-250g sliced asparagus,
-3 whisked eggs, seasoned with 2tbsp soy sauce,
-800g cooked rice,
-435g pineapple chunks.

-2 whisked eggs, seasoned with 1tbsp soy sauce (per person).

In a large wok, fry,
-chopped garlic with
-chopped onions, 
-salt/pepper, until the vegetables have softened, add
-asparagus, stir fry for a minute or so, add
-3 whisked eggs, cook, stirring, until the eggs are cooked through, add
-cooked rice.
Stir fry to coat the rice in the egg and vegetable mix, add

In a large frying pan, on high heat, fry
-2 whisked eggs.
Swirl the egg mixture around the pan to create a large disc.
Turning once.
Leave aside to cool slightly.
Once cooled enough to handle, line a 300ml bowl with the omelette.
Spoon the fried rice on the omelette, press down quite firmly.
Encase the fried rice in the omelette.
Invert on to a serving plate.
Cut a cross on top of the omelette to reveal the fried rice.

Szechuan Beef.

Szechuan Beef.

Serves 4.

Hot Hot Hot.

In a large bowl, put in,
-400g sirloin steaks, cut into thin strips,
-1tsp cornflour,
-1tsp dark soy,
-1tbsp oyster sauce,
-1tbsp light soy sauce,
-1tbsp Shaoxing rice wine or sherry.
-3tsp ground Szechuan Pepper.
Mix well, refrigerate, at least an hour.

        Red Sauce.
Soak 10 dried red chillies in 300ml water. 
-1tsp paprika ,
-1tsp chilli powder.
Stir to combine.
Leave aside to cool until needed.

-2 cloves chopped garlic,
-100g sliced mushrooms,
-4 spring onions,  sliced.
Drain 225g sliced water chestnuts.

          For the stir fry.
In a large wok, on high heat, fry
-chopped garlic, add
-marinaded beef and its marinade,
Stir fry until the beef is almost cooked through, add
-sliced mushrooms,
-red chillies.
-2tsp of corn flour in the cooled chilli soaked water, pour into the wok.
-spring onions,
-water chestnuts.
Leave to simmer for a few minutes.

Adjust seasoning. You may need more..
-oyster sauce,
-soy sauce,

Apple Crumble Slice Ice Cream.

Apple Crumble Slice Ice Cream.

Deep ceramic dish.
No ice-cream churner necessary.

              Vanilla ice-cream.
In a large heatproof bowl, put in,
-6 egg yolks,
-180g caster sugar,
-vanilla bean paste,
-pinch of salt.
Whisk to combine. Leave aside.

In a large saucepan, put in
-400ml double cream,
-300ml full fat milk.
Bring to almost boiling on gentle heat.
-1/2 cup of hot milk to 
-egg yolk mixture.
You need to be whisking all the time. Continue to add hot milk this way until at least 2 cups of milk have been used. This is to stop the egg mixture curdling. Then add the liquid, all at once.

Return the mixture to the saucepan, cook on low heat for 10 minutes or until the mixture has thickened.
Leave the custard to cool down in the sink filled with cold water.
Then transfer into the prepared dish. 
Freeze for 2 hours.

              Apple Filling.
In a large saucepan, put in,
-80g butter,
-1kg Bramley Apples, slice into 1cm thick,
-100g soft brown sugar.
Cook, stirring, for around 10-15 minutes or until the apples have softened and broken down. Leave to cool completely.

In a saucepan, put in,
-150g plain flour,
-80g butter,
-80g soft brown sugar,
-25g desiccated coconut,
-25g rolled oats,
Cook, stirring, until the butter has melted.
Spread on a baking tray.
Bake in 180c fan forced oven for 20 minutes (after 10 minutes give the crumble mix a stir). Leave aside to cool completely.

             Cream Mixture.
In a large bowl, put in
-2x250g mascarpone, with
-200ml double cream.
-2tbsp icing sugar.
Whisk to combine, leave aside until needed.

         After 2 hours. 
Use an electric mixer to beat,
-ice cream to get rid of ice crystals, add
-cream mixture, beat to combine. Then stir through,
-cooled apple filling.
-1/2 of the crumble mix evenly on the base of the ceramic dish.
- ice cream mixture on top.
Top with
-reserved crumble.
Freeze overnight.

Egg White Apple and Cinnamon Crumble Cake.

Egg White Apple with Cinnamon Crumble Cake.

The egg yolks have been used in another recipe. So happy to have come up with another recipe to use up the egg whites.

23cm springform cake tin.

In a large frying pan, melt,
-50g butter, with
-600g chopped eating apples,
-80g brown sugar,
-1/2tsp cinnamon.
Cook, stirring, until the apples have softened, around 10-15 minutes.
Leave aside to cool slightly.

In a small saucepan, put in.
-50g plain flour,
-50 butter,
-80g soft brown sugar,
-25g desiccated coconut,
-25g rolled oats,
-1/2tsp cinnamon.
Cook, stirring, until the butter has melted.
Spoon into an oven tray lined with baking paper. 
Leave aside.

              For the cake.
-225g self raising flour,
-225g butter,at room temperature,
-180g caster sugar,
-4 eggs,
-1tsp vanilla bean paste,
-pinch of salt.
Beat well to combine.
Stir through,
- apple mixture
Soon into the prepared tin.

Check on the cake after 25 minutes.
If it's browning too quickly, cover loosely with foil.

After 35 minutes put in the crumble mixture to cook.

Bake the cake for 45 minutes or until skewer comes out clean.
Bake the crumble for 10 minutes or until golden brown.

Cool completely in the tin

               To serve.
Place the cake on a serving dish.
Top with the crumble.

Thursday 28 January 2016

Beef Burger with Brioche Burger Buns.

Beef Burger with Brioche Burger Buns.

Makes 8.

So delicious, fresh and a real crowd pleaser.

In a large bowl, put in,
-800g mince beef,
-1/2 onion, finely chopped.
-2 cloves garlic, finely chopped,
-1/2tsp paprika,
-1/2tsp cayenne pepper,
-1/2tsp mustard powder,
-2tbsp soy sauce,
-2tbsp chopped parsley.
Mix gently to combine. Don't overwork your meat, it'll be tough.
Refrigerate for 1 hour.

Divide into 8 equal portions.
Shape into 12cm discs.

Place under a hot grill, 5 minutes on each side.

                Brioche Burger Buns.

Makes 8.

Large oven tray lined with greased foil.

-250ml lukewarm water.
-2tbsp caster sugar.
-3tbsp milk.
-2tsp dried yeast.
Stir all the ingredients together and leave aside for 10 minutes.

-100g butter, melted, leave aside.
-1egg+1 egg yolk, whisked, leave aside.

In a large bowl, put in
-620g Strong white flour,
-1tsp of salt, mix well.
Make a well in the centre. 
-yeast mixture,
-melted butter,
-whisked eggs.
Bring the mixture together with your hand to form a rough dough, it will be quite sticky.
On a floured surface knead the dough for around 5 minutes until it's elastic and smooth. Press your thumb on the dough and if it's ready it'll spring back.
Put in an oiled bowl, leave to prove for 2 hours.

After 2 hours.
Briefly knead the dough and divide into 8 equal portions.
Shape each portion into a rough 8cm disc.
Place the buns on the prepared tin, about 2cm apart.
Cover with oiled cling film and leave to prove for a further 1 hour.

Preheat oven to 190c fan forced for 10 minutes.

When ready, brush the buns with
-reserved egg white, beaten with
-1tbsp of milk.
Sprinkle over some sesame seeds.

Bake 15-20 minutes, until golden brown.

Cool on rack.

Brioche Burger Buns.

Brioche Burger Buns.

Makes 8.

Large oven tray lined with greased foil.

-250ml lukewarm water.
-2tbsp caster sugar.
-3tbsp milk.
-2tsp dried yeast.
Stir all the ingredients together and leave aside for 10 minutes.

-100g butter, melted, leave aside.
-1egg+1 egg yolk, whisked, leave aside.

In a large bowl, put in
-620g Strong white flour,
-1tsp of salt, mix well.
Make a well in the centre. 
-yeast mixture,
-melted butter,
-whisked eggs.
Bring the mixture together with your hand to form a rough dough, it will be quite sticky.
On a floured surface knead the dough for around 5 minutes until it's elastic and smooth. Press your thumb on the dough and if it's ready it'll spring back.
Put in an oiled bowl, leave to prove for 2 hours.

After 2 hours.
Briefly knead the dough and divide into 8 equal portions.
Shape each portion into a rough 8cm disc.
Place the buns on the prepared tin, about 2cm apart.
Cover with oiled cling film and leave to prove for a further 1 hour.

Preheat oven to 190c fan forced for 10 minutes.

When ready, brush the buns with
-reserved egg white, beaten with
-1tbsp of milk.
Sprinkle over some sesame seeds.

Bake 15-20 minutes, until golden brown.

Cool on rack.

Carrot Cake with Orange Cream.

Carrot Cake with Orange Cream.

Another delicious and easy recipe.

2x20cm springform cake tins.

Oven 180c fan forced.

           For the cake.
Use an electric mixer, beat,
-250g self raising flour,
-1tsp baking powder,
-250g caster sugar,
-250g butter, at room temperature,
-4 eggs,
-1tsp vanilla bean paste,
-pinch of salt.
Beat well to combine. Stir through,
-350g grated carrots.

Spoon into the prepared tins.

Bake 20-25 minutes. Skewer should come out clean.
Leave to cool completely.

           Cream filling.
-300ml double cream, with,
-2tbsp icing sugar,
-zest of 1 Orange.
Beat until the cream just holds its shape. Refrigerate until needed.

            To assemble.
Place the first layer of cake on to a serving plate.
Spoon on 
-1/2 cream mixture, spread evenly.
Top with second layer of cake.
Spoon on the rest of the cream.
Top with zest of 1 Orange.

Chocolate Mousse Torte with Raspberries.

Chocolate Mousse Torte with Raspberries.

For those who can't eat raw eggs and this torte is super easy!

20cm springform cake tin.

              Biscuit Base.
In a food processor, put in,
-300g biscuits, pulse to fine crumbs, add 
-2tbsp cocoa powder,
-120g melted butter.
Spoon into the prepared tin. Press on to the base of the tin. Refrigerate until needed.

          Chocolate Mousse.
In a large saucepan, put in,
-300g dark chocolate, broken into chunks, with
-100ml milk,
-pinch of salt.
Cook, stirring, until the chocolate has melted.
Leave to cool slightly.

Use an electric mixer, beat
-2x250g mascarpone cheese, with,
-300ml double cream,
-100g caster sugar,
-1tsp vanilla bean paste.
Beat until the cream just holds its shape. Stir through
-melted chocolate.
Spoon into the torte tin.

Refrigerate for 4 hours to set.
Take the torte out of the tin and place it on a serving plate.
Top with 300g raspberries.
Grate over white chocolate.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Thai Roast Chicken.

Thai Roast Chicken.

Serves 4.

Beautiful Thai flavours and it couldn't be more simple to make.

Deep oven tray.

Preparation :
-1.7kg free range chicken, 
remove the back bone, turn the chicken breast side up, press gently on the chicken to flatten it, score the flesh. 
Season with sea salt/pepper.

Put the chicken in the prepared tin, add
-2 lemongrass, bruised,
-4cm ginger, sliced,
-4 cloves of garlic, crushed,
-4-5 kaffir lime leaves,
-a small bunch of coriander, add seasoning,
-2tbsp oyster sauce,
-2tbsp light soy sauce,
-2tsp fish sauce,
-2tsp sesame oil,
-1tbsp vegetable oil.
Mix well to combine.
Leave to marinade at least 2 hours.

Oven 180c fan forced.

Cook around 1 hour.
Leave to rest for 10-15 minutes.

Serve with rice.

Spicy Baked Brie Baguette.

Spicy Baked Brie Baguette.

Serves 2.

An easy and delicious dinner or a long leisurely lunch.

Oven 220c fan forced.

Split a 30cm baguette through the middle lengthways. Put in
-1 finely chopped chilli,
-50g sliced mushrooms,
-100g ham slices,
-150g Brie, roughly chopped.
Place on a baking tray.

Bake 15-20 minutes.

Crunchy Frozen Mousse.

Crunchy Frozen Mousse.

Makes 20

Great for play dates.

Use a food processor to pulse 200g digestive biscuits until rough crumbs form.
Tip into a large platter, leave aside.

In a small saucepan, put in,
-100g dark chocolate, broken into chunks,
-50ml milk,
-pinch of salt.
Cook,stirring, on low heat until the chocolate has melted. Leave to cool slightly and get on with the next bit.

Use an electric mixer, beat,
-250g mascarpone cheese, with,
-100ml double cream,
-50g caster sugar.
Beat until stiff peaks form. Stir through 
-chocolate mixture.
Mix well to combine.

Roll tablespoonfuls of the mousse and drop them into the biscuit crumbs.
Coat well.
Ready in an hour.

Courgette and Egg Pâté.

Courgette and Egg Pâté.

Serves 2

2x200ml capacity ramekins.

Couldn't be more happy with this vegetarian recipe. It's easy, delicious and you don't have to be a vegetarian to enjoy it.

Oven 180c.

1. Roast 500g sliced courgettes for 15 minutes. Leave aside.
2. Hard boil 3 eggs. Leave aside until cooled enough to handle, peel and chop into rough chunks.

In a bowl, put in,
-150g cream cheese,
-1tsp horseradish sauce,
-1tbsp chopped dill.
Stir well to combine. Add
-chopped eggs.
Stir to combine. Leave aside.

Line the ramekin with cooked, cooled, courgette slices. Spoon the egg mixture into the ramekins. Encase the egg mixture with the courgette slices.
Invert on to a serving plate.

Serve with toast or vegetables.

Black Forest Bakewell Tart.

Black Forest Bakewell Tart.

25cm loose bottomed tart tin.

                  Sweet shortcrust pastry.
In a food processor, put in,
-250g plain flour,
-125g chilled butter,
-2tbsp icing sugar,
-1 egg yolk, reserve the white.
Process well to combine. If there are too many dry crumbs left add 
-cold water, a tablespoon at a time.
Tip on to a floured surface, knead briefly to bring the dough together.
Roll out to fit the tart tin, about 1/2cm in thickness. Prick the base with a fork. Refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Oven 180c fan forced.

Bake the chilled pastry for 15 minutes (there's no need to blind bake). Take the pastry case out of the oven, brush with,
-reserved egg white,
Bake 5 more minutes.
Leave aside until needed.

Drain 400g tinned cherries.

                Frangipane Filling.
Use an electric mixer, beat,
-200g ground almonds,
-200g caster sugar,
-25g plain flour,
-4 eggs
-150g butter, at room temperature,
-1tsp vanilla bean paste,
-pinch of salt.
Beat well to combine. 

-200g cherry jam on to the tart base. 
Top with,
-Frangipane filling.
-drained cherries into the the filling.
Sprinkle over
-50g flaked almonds.

Bake 40-45 minutes.

Leave to cool for 2 hours.
Drizzle over some icing sugar mixed with water (optional).

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Chicken Madras.

Chicken Madras.

Serves 4.

Deep casserole dish.

-2tbsp chopped ginger.
-2 cloves garlic, chopped.
-2 onions sliced,
-600g fresh tomatoes, chopped.
-2 fresh chillies, chopped.
-a few stalks fresh coriander.
Leave until needed.

             Dry roast 
-2tbsp cumin seeds,
-2tbsp coriander seeds,
-1tsp fenugreek seeds,
-3 cardamom pods,
-1 tsp peppercorns,
-1 stick cinnamon,
-4 dry chillies (adjust according to your taste)
Grind the roasted spices in the spice grinder or pestle and mortar, leave aside.

In the casserole dish, fry
-sliced onions,
- chopped garlic,
-chopped ginger,
-plenty of sea salt, stir fry for about 5-10 minutes, the onions need to be cooked until caramelised, add
-1kg free range chicken pieces, add
-ground spices, stir together to coat the meat in the spices then add,
-1tsp turmeric powder,
-1tsp paprika.
-chopped fresh tomatoes,
-fresh coriander,
-fresh chopped chillies (adjust according to your taste), add
-1tsp tamarind purée.
-400ml water.
Stir together.
Cook for around 45 minutes with a lid on but slightly ajar. Stir from time to time.

            To taste.
-soy sauce.



Makes 8.

In a large bowl, put in,
-400g plain flour, with
-1tsp salt.

In a jug put in,
-100ml lukewarm milk,
-100ml lukewarm water,
-2tbsp vegetable oil.

Add the wet  ingredients to the dry ingredients. Bring the mixture to a rough dough.
Knead the dough for around 10 minutes.
Divide into 8 balls. Leave, cover with a greased cling film for 15 minutes.

Put a frying pan on medium heat.
Roll each ball into a, roughly, 15cm disc.
Cook for around 30 seconds on each side.
Put on a platter, cover with tea towel.
Repeat until all the chapatis have been cooked.


Crust-less Vegetable Quiche.

Crust-less Vegetable Quiche.

25cm pie dish.

        Egg Filling.
In a jug, put in,
-3 whisked eggs, 
-100ml double cream,
-250ml milk,

Oven 180c fan forced.

In a large frying pan, fry,
-1 sliced onion, with,
-1 clove garlic,
Cook, stirring, until the onions have softened, add
-400g sliced courgettes,
-1 sliced pepper,
-200g sliced cooked new potatoes, 
Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes.
Spoon into the prepared dish.
Pour over egg mixture.
Top with 150g grated cheese.

Bake 30-35 minutes.

Raspberry Crème Brûlée Tart.

Raspberry Crème Brûlée Tart.

25cm loose bottomed tart tin.

             Sweet shortcrust pastry.
In a food processor, put in,
-250g plain flour,
-125g chilled butter,
-2tbsp icing sugar,
-1 egg yolk, reserve the white.
Process well to combine. If there are too many dry crumbs left add 
-cold water, a tablespoon at a time.
Tip on to a floured surface, knead briefly to bring the dough together.
Roll out to fit the tart tin, about 1/2cm in thickness. Prick the base with a fork. Refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Oven 180c fan forced.

Bake the chilled pastry for 15 minutes (there's no need to blind bake). Take the pastry case out of the oven, brush with,
-reserved egg white,
Bake 5 more minutes.
Leave aside until needed.

               For the custard.

In a large heatproof bowl, put in,
-6 egg yolks,
-180g caster sugar,
-vanilla bean paste,
-pinch of salt.
Whisk to combine. Leave aside.

In a large saucepan, put in
-300ml double cream,
-200ml full fat milk.
Bring to almost boiling on gentle heat.
-1/2 cup of hot milk to 
-egg yolk mixture.
You need to be whisking all the time. Continue to add hot milk this way until at least 2 cups of milk have been used. This is to stop the egg mixture curdling. Then add the liquid, all at once.

Return the mixture to the saucepan, cook on low heat for 10 minutes or until the mixture has thickened.

Oven 150c fan forced.
Arrange 100g frozen raspberries on the tart case.
Pour the custard over the raspberries.

Bake 30-35 minutes. There should be a firm wobble.

Leave to cool completely at room temperature.
Refrigerate at least 4 hours.

When ready,
Sprinkle 50g caster sugar on the tart.
Use a blowtorch to caramelise the sugar or wrap the tart edges with foil and place under a hot grill.

Serve immediately.

Monday 25 January 2016

Cider Slow Roasted Pork Belly.

Cider Slow Roasted Belly Pork.

Serves 4. 

Very easy, takes 10 minutes to put together.

Oven 220c fan forced.

In a roasting tin, put in,
-500ml cider, with
-2 cloves chopped garlic,
-1 sliced onion,
-a small bunch of parsley,
-700g belly pork, seasoned with salt and pepper.
Make sure the skin is not submerged in the liquid.

Bake for 1 hour.
Turn the oven down to 200c fan forced.
Bake another 45 minutes or until the meat is flaking.

Serve with your choice of vegetables and some of the cooking juices.

Egg White Chocolate Cake with Orange and Pistachio Drizzle.

Egg White Chocolate Cake with Orange and Pistachio Drizzle.

23cm springform cake tin.

In a saucepan, put in,
-150g dark chocolate, broken into chunks, with
-180g butter,
-200ml milk,
-pinch of salt.
Cook, stirring, on low heat until the butter and chocolate have melted. Leave aside.

Use an electric mixer, beat,
-225g self raising flour,
-30g cocoa powder,
-1tsp baking powder,
-250g caster sugar,
-6 egg whites,
Beat well to incorporate the ingredients, then stir through
-chocolate mixture.

Pour into the prepared tin.
Bake 25-30 minutes. Skewer shouldn't come out clean.
Leave to cool for 5 minutes.

         Orange and Pistachio Drizzle. (Make the drizzle while the cake is cooking).

In a small saucepan, put in,
-zest and juice of 1 orange, with,
-50g sugar,
-1tbsp water,
Cook, stirring, on low heat until the sugar has melted. Add
-35g chopped pistachios.

Take the cake out of the tin.
Place it on a cooling rack, place a piece of foil underneath to catch the drips.
Pierce the cake with a wooden skewer.
Spoon the drizzle over the cake.
Leave to cool completely.

Once cooled, drizzle with icing sugar mixed with water (optional).

Bacon and Vegetable Pasta.

Bacon and Vegetable Pasta.

A quick lunch or dinner. 

Serves 4.

In a frying pan, put in,
-1 clove, chopped, garlic, with
-1 sliced onion.
Cook, stirring, until the vegetables have softened, add
-4 rashes of chopped bacon,
-200g sliced courgettes (zucchini),
-10 cherry tomatoes, halved,
Cook, stirring until the courgettes are almost cooked through, add
-500g cooked pasta, with
-3/4 cup reserved cooking water, 
-100g olives,
-1tbsp chopped parsley.
Cook, stirring, for a couple of minutes.


Sunday 24 January 2016

Butternut Squash and Onion Quiche.

Butternut Squash and Onion Quiche.

Serves 4.

20cm loose bottomed tart tin.

                For the pastry.
-200g plain flour,
-100g chilled butter,
-1 egg yolk (reserve the white)
Put the above ingredients in a food processor, process to combine. If there are too many dry crumbs left, add
-cold water, a tablespoon at a time.

Tip on to a floured surface, knead briefly to bring the mixture to a smooth dough.
Roll out the pastry to fit the tart tin, prick with a fork, refrigerate 20 minutes to set the butter.

               For the Butternut Squash.

Oven at 200c fan forced.
-500g butternut squash, cut into 3cm chunks, with
-1 small red onion, 
-olive oil,
Bake 25- 35 minutes, until cooked through. Leave aside until needed. Get on with the next bit.

                For the cream filling.
-3 eggs, whisked with
-120ml milk,
-75ml cream,
-salt/pepper. Leave aside.

-100g grated Cheddar, leave aside.

When the pastry is ready. 
Blind bake in 180c oven for 15 minutes, remove the baking beans and greaseproof paper, brush the part cooked pastry with
-reserved egg white.
Cook for 10 minutes.

                 To assemble,
-butternut squash/onion mix on to the pastry base, pour in
-milk/cream mixture, top with
-grated cheese.

Bake in 180c fan forced oven for around 30-35 minutes. 
Leave to firm up for 15-20 minutes before serving.

Jam Tarts.

Jam Tarts.

Make 24

2x 12 hole muffin tins.
10cm cookie cutter.

For the pastry:
-500g plain flour.
-200g icing sugar.
-220g butter.
-1 egg.
Put the above ingredients in the food processor, process to combine, if there are too many dry crumbs left, add
-1-2tbsp cold water.

Tip on to a floured surface, knead briefly to bring to a smooth dough. Roll out to about 1/2cm thick. 
Stamp out 24 rounds.
Ease discs into the muffin holes 
Prick the pastry with a fork, refrigerate 20 minutes.

Oven 180c fan forced.
Cook the chilled pastry for 15 minutes.
Remove from the oven, spoon
-1-2tsp spoon of your chosen jam into the pastry.
Bake for another 10 minutes, until the jam is warmed through.

Apple Turnovers.

Apple Turnovers.

Makes 18.

In a bowl, put in
-330g plain flour.
-Pinch of salt, rub in
-280g butter, chopped, add
-75ml cold water.
Tip on to a floured surface, knead together and roll into
-28x13cm rectangle.
Fold up
-bottom third over the centre, fold
-top third over it.
With the short end facing you, roll with a rolling pin to flatten it.
Roll out as before. Wrap and chill for 20 minutes. 
Repeat 4 times.

             Apple filling.
In a large saucepan, melt
-30g butter, add
-800g Chopped Bramley Apples.
-100g brown sugar.
-1tsp cinnamon.
-pinch of salt.
Cook, stirring until the apple have softened, add
-1 tbsp plain flour to thicken the sauce.
Leave aside to cool.

 Oven 200c fan forced.

When ready, divide the pastry into 2 equal portions, 
roll each portion into 30x30cm square about 1/2cm thick.
Cut 9 squares out of each.
-1-2tsp of filling into the centre, brush the edges with
-beaten egg, fold diagonally.
Use the back of a fork, dip in flour, to seal in the edges.
Put on 2 baking trays lined with greaseproof paper.
Cut slits on the top, brush with
-beaten egg.
Bake 20 minutes.

-60g chocolate, with
-2 tbsp milk.
-2 tbsp brown sugar.
Pipe on the cooled cakes.

Chocolate Chip Brownies.

Chocolate Chip Brownies.

20x20cm square tin.

In a large saucepan, put in,
-200g dark chocolate, broken into chunks, with
-150g chopped butter,
-pinch of salt.
Cook stirring until both ingredients have melted.

Take off the heat, add
-300g caster sugar, stir to combine, add
-3 whisked eggs, stir well. Put in
-150g plain flour,
-20g cocoa powder, sifted,
-1 tsp baking powder,
-1 tsp vanilla bean paste.
-pinch of salt.
 Stir well to combine, add
-50g milk chocolate chip,
-50g dark chocolate chip.

Spoon into the prepared tin. Spread evenly.
Bake in 160c fan forced oven for 35 minutes. Skewer shouldn't come out clean.
Leave to firm up for at least 2 hrs.



Makes 2.

Baguette tray, lightly greased.

In a large bowl, put in
-300ml lukewarm water, stir in
-2 tsp dried yeast,
Leave aside for 10 minutes.

In a bowl, put in
-430g strong white flour,
-1 tsp salt. Stir well to combine.

When the yeast mixture is ready, whisk in
-200g of the flour mixture. The mixture should look like a pancake mix. 
Cover and leave to ferment, in a warm place, for 2 hours.

When the mixture is ready, add
-rest of the flour, mix with your hand to bring to a rough dough. The mix is quite sticky, if it's unworkable, add
-tbspful of flour.
Knead for 5-7 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic.
Put into a lightly greased bowl, leave to prove in a warm place for around 1 hr.

When ready, divide the dough into
-2 equal portions.
Roll each dough, with your hands, into a rough
-15x8cm triangle.
Fold the sides into the centre, turn the dough up side down, roll into another
-15x8cm triangle. Tucking the seam and the end under the dough. 
You should end up with,
-20cm long dough.

Put the finished dough in the prepared tin, cover with greased cling film.
Leave to rise for 30 minutes.

Preheat oven to 220c fan forced.

Cut deep slits in the top of the dough.

Bake around 15 minutes.

Salmon with Sweet Chilli Jam.

Salmon with Sweet and Spicy Chilli Jam.

Serves 2.

This recipe shows off all that is beautiful about Thai flavours.

Wok or a saucepan.
20cm ovenproof dish.

In a wok or a large saucepan, fry
-1 sliced red onion, with
-1 tbsp of finely chopped ginger,
-2 cloves, finely chopped garlic,
-lime leaves.
-1 tbsp finely chopped lemongrass.
Cook on medium to low heat until the vegetables have softened, add
-chopped chillies (as many as you dare),
-4 sliced tomatoes, 
-2tbsp chopped coriander, add
-200ml chicken stock.
-2 tsp palm sugar (soft brown sugar is fine)
Leave to simmer, stir frequently, for around 20 minutes, until the tomatoes have broken down and the sauce has thickened.
To taste:
Oyster sauce.
Fish sauce.
Lime juice.

Preheat the oven 200c fan forced.

While the sauce is cooking, prepare the salmon.
-300g of fresh salmon, cut a few slits on the skin side, season with salt/pepper. Leave aside.

When the sauce is ready, spoon into the oven dish. Press
-the salmon, lightly, into the sauce, flesh side down.
Bake 20 minutes.
Serve with Jasmine Thai rice.

Note: you can process the vegetables in the food processor instead of chopping.

Duck Ragù with Fresh Pappardelle.

Duck Ragù with Homemade Pappardelle.

            For the Duck.
-2kg whole duck, roasted with
-1 cinnamon stick,
-3 star anise,
-5 cloves,
-3 cloves garlic,
-1 onion, quartered.
-plenty of sea salt/black pepper.
Roast in 190c fan forced oven for 1 1/2 hrs. Leave to cool. When cool enough to handle, shred the duck meat, leave aside.

              For the Ragu.
In a large saucepan, fry
-1 large, chopped onion,with
-2 cloves of chopped garlic, stir fry together until the vegetables have softened, put in 
-2 carrots, cut into chunks. Add
-2 stalks celery, cut into chunks, add
            -bay leaves.
Stir together, add
-2 tsp coffee granules.
-2x400g tinned plum tomatoes.
-800ml water.
-200ml chicken stock.

Leave to simmer for about 2 hrs. Add
-duck bones, 
-600ml water, leave to simmer for about 1 hr. Fish out the bones, add
-Shredded duck meat. Leave to simmer 30 minutes.

              Fresh Pappardelle.

-400g plain four. (Serves 4).
-4 eggs.
-1tsp salt.
Put the ingredients in the food processor and process until a rough dough forms, if there are still lots of dry crumbs left add some water.
Tip onto a floured surface, knead for 1-2minutes until you have a smooth dough. Wrap in cling film and leave to rest for 20 minutes.

When ready cut the dough in half and each half into 3 pieces. Work with 1 piece at a time, keep the others wrapped. 
Make sure your work surface is well floured.
Press down on the dough to form a rough disc. 
Set your pasta maker on the widest setting (setting 1). Pass the disc through once then fold the ends into the centre, press to seal the seam, pass the pasta through, repeat the folding again. Need to make sure you flour your pasta to stop it sticking to itself.
Without folding the ends into the centre, pass the pasta through the widest setting twice more.

Set your pasta maker on setting 4, run your pasta through twice.
Set the pasta maker on setting 8, run your pasta through once.

Roll up your pasta sheet like a sausage and chop into 
-2cm in width.
Keep your finished pasta well floured and fold them into nests. Keep finished pasta on greaseproof paper covered with slightly damp tea towel until you are ready to use it. Will keep in the fridge for up to 2 days.

Fresh Pasta should only take around 50 seconds- 1 minute to cook.

Napoleon Slice.

Napoleon Slice.
(Time Needed)

10cm cookie cutter.
3 oven trays lined with greaseproof paper.

In a bowl, put in
-450g plain flour.
-Pinch of salt, rub in
-400g butter, chopped, add
-100ml cold water.
Tip on to a floured surface, knead together and roll into
-28x13cm rectangle.
Fold up
-bottom third over the centre, fold
-top third over it.
With the short end facing you, roll with a rolling pin to flatten it.
Roll out as before. Wrap and chill for 20 minutes. 
Repeat 4 times.

Oven 200c fan forced

When ready, divide the dough into 2 equal portions. Roll both portions to 1/2cm thick.
Cut out 33 rounds using 10cm cookie cutter.
Prick each disc lightly with a fork.
Put on the baking trays.
Bake 10-15 minutes until lightly golden. Leave to cool completely on cooling racks.

             Pastry Cream.

In a large heatproof bowl, put in
-6egg yolks,
-120g sugar,
-30g plain flour,
-30g corn flour,
-pinch of salt
Whisk all the above ingredients together and leave aside.

Fill your sink with cold water.
In a large saucepan, put in
-700ml milk,
-2 tsp vanilla extract.
Heat over gentle heat until the milk is almost at boiling point. Turn the heat off.
-1/2 cup of milk into the 
-egg mixture, whisking all the time, continue to add hot milk this way until at least 2 cups of milk have been used, you may scramble the eggs otherwise. Then add the rest of the milk all at once.

Pour the mixture back into the saucepan and cook over gentle heat for around 5-7 minutes until the mixture is smooth and has thickened. You need to be whisking all the time. 

Once the mixture is ready, cool it down quickly by putting the saucepan in the sink filled with cold water. Once the pastry cream has cooled, refrigerate at least for 2 hrs.

When ready, spoon into a piping bag fitted with 1cm nozzle.

Pipe the pastry creme on to,
-first layer of pastry, add
-1 tsp fruit preserve, add
-second pastry, pipe on
- pastry cream, add
-1 tsp fruit preserve, finally add the
-third pastry disc, Sprinkle with
-icing sugar.
Repeat until all the pastry rounds have been used.

Thai Pork Salad.

Thai Pork Salad.

Serves 2.

-350g pork steaks, with
-1 tsp crushed peppercorns,
-1tbsp crushed coriander seeds,
-2 cloves crushed garlic,
-pinch sea salt,
-1 tbsp oyster sauce,
-1 tbsp soy sauce,
-1 tsp sesame oil.
Leave to marinade from 1 hr to overnight.

              For the salad:
In a frying pan, dry roast,
-2tbsp of rice until golden brown. Finely grind using a pestle and mortar. Leave aside.
-2 Spring onions, finely chopped,
-chillies, finely sliced (I used 2 chillies in my salad)
-1/2 onion, finely sliced.
-1 tbsp mint, chopped
-2 tbsp coriander, chopped.
-2 tsp dried chilli flakes.

              To taste:
-juice of 1/2-1 lime.
-1-2tbsp fish sauce.

The steaks can be cooked under a hot grill (I cooked mine in the Air Fryer 180c for 20 minutes).
Leave the steaks to rest for around 20 minutes before slicing, then put into 
-a large bowl, along with
-all the salad ingredients.
Adjust your seasoning with
-lime juice,
-fish sauce.

Serve with rice and vegetables of your choice.

Son In Law Eggs.

Son In Law Eggs.

(There are a few stories why the dish is so named. The one that I remember is a story of a new mother in law, wanting to let her new son in law know what would become of him if her daughter was ever mistreated)
-4 eggs, boiled and DEEP fried.
Leave aside.
-1 large red onion, sliced.
-1 clove garlic, chopped.
-1 tbsp chopped coriander,
-1 Spring onion, sliced.
Leave aside.

In a saucepan, fry
-1/2 of the sliced red onion, with
-garlic, cook stirring until the vegetables have cooked through, add
-sauces: oyster sauce,
                -fish sauce,
                -soy sauce,
                -1tsp tamarind paste,
Stir to combine, add
-1 chopped chilli,
-100ml chicken stock.
-2tsp palm sugar (or soft brown sugar)
Simmer on low- medium heat until the sauce has thickened, around 10-15 minutes.

Deep fry
-reserved sliced onion, drain on kitchen paper.
-5 dried chillies (optional)

To serve:
-1/2 of the sauce on to the plate. Top with 
-deep fried eggs, sprinkle over
-deep fried onions and chillies, then
-sliced Spring onion and coriander. Top with
-remaining sauce.

Serve with rice.

Hainanese Chicken Rice.

Hainanese Chicken Rice (Thai Version)

(Strong Asian Flavours)

Serves 6.

One of Thailand's most popular street foods. The dish was brought to South-East Asia by early Chinese immigrants from China's Hainan Province but the Thais have truly nationalised it. Also popular throughout South- East Asia but I really do believe we do it best.

Rice cooker.

1.7kg free range whole chicken.
Cut excess skin from the chicken, sprinkle with salt.

In a frying pan, fry
-chicken skin, with
-4cm,thickly sliced,ginger,
-1 clove, roughly crushed, garlic, 
Cook stirring until the skin has turned slightly golden brown, do not drain, leave to cool in pan until needed.

In a large casserole pot, put in
-2 litre water,
-1litre chicken stock,
-6cm,thickly sliced, ginger,
-3 cloves,roughly crushed,garlic,
-1 large onion, peeled, quartered,
-2 celery stalk, cut into chunks,
-2 carrots, cut into chunks,
-a few stalks fresh coriander.
-2 tbsp oyster sauce,
-2tbsp soy sauce,
-1tsp sea salt.
Bring to the boil, add
- chicken.Then turn the heat right down, you should only be able to see a slow, steady streams of bubbles. Cover with a lid.
Leave to simmer gently for 45 minutes. 
Turn off the heat but leave the chicken to continue to cook in the residual heat for another 30 minutes.
When ready to serve, remove the chicken, put the stock back on the heat so that you'll have a hot broth to serve with the finished dish.

-4cm ginger, finely chopped,
-2cloves garlic finely chopped,
-2tbsp salted soy bean, crushed with the back of a spoon(optional),
-chillies (as many as you dare)
-1tsp Palm sugar.
-8 tbsp light soy sauce.
-1 tbsp dark soy sauce.
-juice of 1 lime.
-1tbsp chopped coriander.
Combine the above ingredients in a bowl. Adjust seasoning to balance the flavour. Leave aside (the sauce tastes better if you leave it to sit for a couple of hours).

For the rice (serves 4 adults) In the rice cooker, put in
-4 cups of rice, washed, add
-fried chicken skin,ginger and garlic (and some of the cooking oil) add
-liquid from the stock pot. The liquid should be around 2 cm higher than the rice.
The rice cooker will tell you when the rice is ready.

When ready, 
-de-bone the chicken, slice into 1cm slices.
Serve with
-soup from the stock pot,
-spicy sauce,
-fresh vegetables.

Lemon Madeleines.

Lemon Madeleines

Make 36 (quick and easy)

12 hole Madeleine Tray, greased.

-210g butter, melted, leave to cool.
-juice and zest of 1 lemon, leave aside.

Oven 200c fan forced

Use an electric mixer, beat
-4 eggs with
-200g sugar,
-1 tsp vanilla bean paste, until light and fluffy. 
Then put in
-200g plain flour,
-melted butter, (reserve 1 tbsp for greasing)
-lemon juice and zest
-pinch of salt.
Mix to combine

Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin.
Bake 8 minutes.

Cool on rack.
Dust with icing sugar.

Cheese and Vegetable Pasties.

Cheese and Vegetable Pasties.

Makes 8 

2 oven trays, lined with greased foil.

              For the Pastry.
-450g strong white bread flour,
-pinch of salt
-100g chilled butter.
-100g Vegetable fat.
-200ml ice cold water.
In a food processor, process to combine, bring together with your hands, don't knead, refrigerate 20 minutes.

For the filling.
-150g potatoes, 1cm cubes.
-75g carrots, 1 cm cubes,
-75g swede,1 cm cubes.
Cook in salted boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain, leave aside.

In a large bowl, put in,
-250g grated Cheddar.
-100g red onions finely sliced, chopped
-75 courgettes, 1 cm cubes.
-mustard powder 
-1tbsp water.
Stir to combine. Leave aside. 
When the other vegetables have cooled, add to the bowl.
Divide into 
-8 equal portions. Leave aside.

Oven 220c fan forced.

When the pastry is ready, divide into
-8 equal portions.
Roll each portion into
-14 cm round discs.
Spoon on
Brush the edges with
Crimp the edges. Put on the prepared trays.
Brush with milk.

Bake 15 minutes.
Turn the oven down 180c fan forced.
Bake 15 minutes.Turn the oven off.
Leave the pasties to cook in the residual heat for another 10 minutes.
Cool on rack.

Pork Katsu Curry.

Pork Katsu Curry.

Large pot or a wok.

Wagamama in the comfort of your own home.

-400g carrots.
-2 peppers.
-3 onion.
-3 stalks celery.
-300g Bramley Apple
-400g potatoes.
Chop the above fruit and vegetables in to 2cm chunks. Leave aside

-2 cloves garlic, finely chopped.
-2 inch ginger, finely chopped.
-3 chillies, finely chopped (optional)
Leave aside.

-2tbsp medium curry powder,
-1 tsp turmeric.

In a large wok, fry
-garlic, with
-ginger, until the vegetables have softened, add
-all the other vegetables, all at once, add
-sea salt/ black pepper.
Cook, stirring for 5 minutes, until the vegetables have softened slightly, add
-curry powder,
-turmeric powder.
-1 1/2 tbsp cornflour, stir to coat the vegetables in the flour, add
-1 litre chicken stock,
-500ml water.
Simmer on low heat for around 45 minutes, until the vegetables are cooked through and the sauce has thickened,stir occasionally.

Season with
-1 tbsp of dark soy sauce,
-light soy sauce (adjust according to your taste)

             For the pork.

-vegetable oil for deep frying.
-around 800g pork steaks(4 portions)seasoned with salt. Leave aside.

When ready to fry, dip the pork in
-whisked eggs (2), coat in
-120g (Panko) Breadcrumbs. 
Deep fry for around 5 minutes on each side, drain well.

Serve with
-fresh vegetables,
-Japanese Sushi Rice.

Jerk Chicken.

Jerk Chicken.

(For those that like it hot)

Large oven tray, lined with foil.

-1.7kg free range chicken, 
remove the back bone, turn the chicken breast side up, press gently on the chicken to flatten it, score the flesh. 
Season with sea salt.
Put in the prepared tin. Refrigerate until needed.

              For the Jerk marinade.

In a large frying pan, fry
-4 sliced medium onions, with
-4 cloves, chopped garlic,
-3 inch, finely, sliced ginger, 
-chopped chillies, (adjust to your own taste, I used 6 fiery Thai chillies), add
-plenty of sea salt / black pepper.
-2 tsp Allspice,
-1 tsp  ground cinnamon,
-herbs-bay leaves
Cook, stirring on low-medium heat until the onions have caramelised, then add
-1/2 cup rum,
-2 tbsp soy sauce,
-juice and zest of 1 large lime,
-1/2 cup water.
Continue to cook for another 5 minutes.
Turn the heat off and let the mixture cool completely.

When ready, rub the marinade liberally over the chicken (I use a freezer bag to protect my hand).
Cover with cling film and leave the chicken to marinade overnight.

1 hour before you want to cook the chicken, take it out of the fridge.

Oven 180c fan forced.
Roast 1hr-1hr 10 minutes.

Cook the chicken breast side down to keep the breasts juicy and moist, turn the chicken breast side up 10 minutes before the end of cooking time to crisp up the skin.
(Baste the chicken from time to time)

Beef Ragù with Fresh Fettuccini.

Beef Ragù with Fresh Fettuccini.

Serves 4-6.

large stock pot.
Pasta machine.

-1 large onion, chopped.
-2 cloves garlic chopped.
-4 rashes of bacon, sliced.
-1.2kg stewing beef, cut into 3 cm chunks.
-2 carrots, cut into 3 cm chunks,
-2 stalks celery, cut into 3 cm chunks,
-1 bell pepper, cut into chunks.

-2tbsp tomato paste.
-2x400g tinned tomatoes.
-1litre chicken stock.
-2 litres water.
-500ml red wine.

1-2 tbsp Soy sauce.

For the Ragu.
In the stock pot, fry
-onions with
- garlic,
Cook, stirring until the onions have softened and cooked through, add
-herbs- thyme,
            -bay leaves, cook for a couple of minutes, then put in
-tomato paste. 
-plenty of salt/pepper. 
-soy sauce.
Stir to combine, add
Cook, stirring to coat the beef, add
-bell pepper.
Pour in
-tinned tomatoes,
Cook, cover with a lid, on low-medium heat for around 3 hrs,the meat should be falling apart. (Check on the Ragu from time to time)
You may need to add more liquid and adjust the seasoning accordingly.

Fresh Pasta.
-300g plain four. (Serves 4).
-3 eggs.
-1tsp salt.
Put the ingredients in the food processor and process until a rough dough forms, if there are still lots of dry crumbs left add some water.
Tip onto a floured surface, knead for 1-2minutes until you have a smooth dough. Wrap in cling film and leave to rest for 20 minutes.

When ready cut the dough in half and each half into 3 pieces. 
Work with 1 piece at a time, keep the others wrapped.
Make sure your work surface is well floured.
Press down on the dough to form a rough disc. 
Set your pasta maker on the widest setting (setting 1). Pass the disc through once then fold the ends into the centre, press to seal the seam, pass the pasta through, repeat the folding again. Need to make sure you flour your pasta to stop it sticking to itself.
Without folding the ends into the centre, pass the pasta through the widest setting twice more.

Set your pasta maker on setting 4, run your pasta through once.
Set the pasta maker on setting 7, run your pasta through once.

Now for the fun bit, pass your pasta through the shredder setting, either spaghetti or fettuccini.
Keep your finished pasta well floured and fold them into little nests. Keep finished pasta on greaseproof paper covered with slightly damp tea towel until you are ready to use it. Will keep in the fridge for up to 2 days.

Note: fresh pasta (in my case fettuccini) will only take around 45 seconds to cook.

Chilli, Mushroom and Brie Stuffed Baguette.

Chilli, Mushroom and Brie Stuffed Baguette.
(Quick, easy, delicious and HOT HOT HOT)

-30cm long baguette, split through the middle.
-2 chillies, finely sliced (adjust according to your taste)
-150g sliced Brie.
-50g sliced mushrooms.

-chillies on to the base of the baguette. Arrange
-the Brie on top of the chillies. Add
-Mushrooms. Drizzle over
-some olive oil.

Bake in 200c  fan forced oven, 20 minutes 

Deli Style Pizzas.

Deli Style Pizzas.

Serve 4-6.

Baking trays.

             Pizza base:
-325ml lukewarm water,
-1tsp caster sugar,
-1 1/2 tsp dried active yeast,
-3 tbsp olive oil.
Combine the ingredients in a bowl, stir well, leave to stand for 15 minutes.

-500g strong white flour,
-1 tsp sea salt.
Combine the above ingredients in a large bowl and leave aside.

-yeast  is ready add to
-dry mixture,
Bring to a rough dough with your hand.
Tip on to a floured surface and knead to a smooth and elastic dough, around 5 minutes. (The dough is ready when it springs back when pressed with your finger)
Put the dough into an oiled bowl, cover, and leave to prove in a warm place for 2 hrs.

               Tomato sauce.
-1 chopped onion,
-1 clove garlic,
Stir fry together until the onions have softened and caramelised , add
-400g tinned or fresh tomatoes.
-sea salt/pepper.
-1tbsp soy sauce 
-fresh basil (optional)
Leave to simmer on low heat, until the sauce has thickened but still spreadable. Leave aside until needed.

Oven 230c fan forced, put baking trays in to preheat (around 10 minutes)

When ready, divide the dough into 3 equal pieces.
Roll each dough, on the greased foil, to a rough rectangle, 30x15cm.
Spread tomato sauce over the base.
Top with your choice of toppings.
Put on the pre baked trays.

Bake 15-20 minutes.
Extremely delicious.

Triple Chocolate Muffins.

Triple Chocolate Muffins.

12 hole muffin tin.
12 muffin cups.

                  Dry ingredients:
-250g plain flour.
-200g caster sugar.
-50g cocoa powder.
-2tsp baking powder.
-100g chocolate chips (I used 50g dark, and 50g milk)
-pinch salt.
Combine the above ingredients in a large bowl and leave aside.

In a saucepan, melt
-150g dark chocolate,
Cook stirring over low heat until all the chocolate chunks have melted. Leave aside and get on with the next bit.

                  Wet ingredients:
-200ml milk.
-2 eggs.
-4 tbsp vegetable oil.
-1 tsp vanilla bean paste.
Stir the above ingredients together, add to
-dry ingredients, add
-melted chocolate.

Spoon into the prepared tins lined with muffin cups.

Bake around 25minutes, there should still be moist crumbs on the skewer.