I get asked quite often why I like to cook. The first reason I give is normally because I like to eat. I am Thai and food is a big factor in our culture. We greet each other with hello followed by 'have you eaten? When guests turn up at your house it's safe to assume that they will expect to be fed.

The second reason is that as I grew up in the Northeastern part of Thailand, the poorest region, food was always hard to come by. We weren't hungry as there was always rice, but it was difficult finding something to go with rice. Now I do have ingredients to go with rice, I want to cook!

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Chocolate and Marshmallow Brownies.

Chocolate Marshmallow Brownies.

These brownies are made by my two daughters with barely any help from mummy. I was in charge of the oven and washing up. The girls are very proud and so is mum, I don't think I could have done better. We were however very impatient and didn't wait long enough for our brownies to firm up before slicing them.

20x20cm square tin.

In a large saucepan, put in,
-200g dark chocolate, broken into chunks, with
-150g chopped butter.
Cook stirring until both ingredients have melted.

Take off the heat, add
-300g caster sugar, stir to combine, add
-3 whisked eggs, stir well.
 Put in,
-150g plain flour,
-1 tsp baking powder,
-1 tsp vanilla bean paste.
-pinch of salt. 
Stir well to combine.

Spoon into the prepared tin. Spread evenly.
Arrange 50g marshmallow on top.

Bake in 160c fan forced oven for 35 minutes. Skewer shouldn't come out clean.
Leave to firm up for at least 2 hrs.

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