I get asked quite often why I like to cook. The first reason I give is normally because I like to eat. I am Thai and food is a big factor in our culture. We greet each other with hello followed by 'have you eaten? When guests turn up at your house it's safe to assume that they will expect to be fed.

The second reason is that as I grew up in the Northeastern part of Thailand, the poorest region, food was always hard to come by. We weren't hungry as there was always rice, but it was difficult finding something to go with rice. Now I do have ingredients to go with rice, I want to cook!

Thursday 30 June 2016

Pavlova with Gooseberry Cream.

Pavlova with Gooseberry Cream.

I have found another use for my gooseberries. Crispy, chewy and sweet meringue base, piled high with rich mascarpone cream, topped with sweet and sharp stewed gooseberries with added crunchy nuttiness of roasted pistachios. Perrrrrfect!

Baking tray lined with baking paper.

Dry roast 30g shelled pistachios, roughly chopped.

Oven 140c fan forced.

Use an electric mixer, beat,
-egg whites, until soft peaks form, add
-a tablespoon of sugar at a time, leaving the beaters running (you'll need 300g)
You should be able to turn the bowl upside down when the egg white mixture is ready.

Spoon onto the prepared tray, shape into a rough 20cm disc.

Bake around 1hrs 5 minutes. The Pavlova should be dry to the touch. 
Leave the Pavlova to cool completely in the oven.

   For the cream filling.
Use an electric mixer, to beat,
-2tbsp icing sugar,
-1tsp vanilla bean paste,
-300ml double cream,
-250g mascarpone cheese.
Beat until the cream just holds its shape.
Refrigerate until needed.

In a large saucepan, put in,
-350g topped and tailed gooseberries,
-3tbsp caster sugar,
-pinch of salt.
Cook, stirring occasionally until the fruits have broken down.

   To assemble.
Place the pavlova onto a serving platter.
Spoon on the cream.
Top with the stewed gooseberries.
Sprinkle over chopped pistachios.

Serve immediately.

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