I get asked quite often why I like to cook. The first reason I give is normally because I like to eat. I am Thai and food is a big factor in our culture. We greet each other with hello followed by 'have you eaten? When guests turn up at your house it's safe to assume that they will expect to be fed.

The second reason is that as I grew up in the Northeastern part of Thailand, the poorest region, food was always hard to come by. We weren't hungry as there was always rice, but it was difficult finding something to go with rice. Now I do have ingredients to go with rice, I want to cook!

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Chicken and Pea Samosas.

Chicken and Pea Samosas.

Here they are, cooked in the AirFryer as stated earlier. These samosas are made using leftover spring roll skins. I had never made samosas before, although the recipe is my own, I went on YouTube to learn how to fold them! I am happy with how well they have turned out and the best bit...no deep frying!!!

You will need 22 spring roll wrappers (14x14cm)

   The Vegetables.
2 cloves chopped garlic.
1 sliced onion.
80g chopped carrots.

300g finely chopped chicken breast.

1tbsp cumin seeds.
1/2 ground ginger.
1/2 cayenne pepper.
2tsp paprika.
2tbsp soy sauce.

300g cooked peas.

   The filling.
In a large frying, with a tablespoon of vegetable oil, fry
Cook stirring occasionally until the vegetables have softened, add
Cook, stirring occasionally, until the chicken is done, add
Taste and adjust the seasoning.
Leave to cool completely before assembling.

Cook in batches at 200c for 6 minutes.

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