I get asked quite often why I like to cook. The first reason I give is normally because I like to eat. I am Thai and food is a big factor in our culture. We greet each other with hello followed by 'have you eaten? When guests turn up at your house it's safe to assume that they will expect to be fed.

The second reason is that as I grew up in the Northeastern part of Thailand, the poorest region, food was always hard to come by. We weren't hungry as there was always rice, but it was difficult finding something to go with rice. Now I do have ingredients to go with rice, I want to cook!

Friday 11 March 2016

Spicy 'Larb' Meatballs ลาบหมูทอด

Spicy 'Larb' Meatballs ลาบหมูทอด.

Larb or Laab is the national dish of Laos. Traditionally made with mince chicken, duck, fish, buffalo or pork in a delicious,spicy and aromatic sauce. Larb is always eaten with rice and plenty of fresh vegetables. This version is meant to be a bar snack. I don't really drink so I still had mine with rice and a chicken stir fried.

In a frying pan, dry roast
-2tbsp of rice until golden brown. Finely grind using a pestle and mortar. Leave aside.

In a large bowl, put in,
-500g mince pork,
-2 spring onions, finely sliced,
-3 chillies, finely sliced,
-2 shallots, finely sliced,
-1tbsp chopped mint,
-2tbsp chopped coriander,
-2tsp dried chilli flakes.
-ground rice,
-juice of 1 lime,
-2tbsp fish sauce.
Mix well to combine.
Divide into 20 equal portions.

Deep fry, in batches, in 300ml vegetable oil.
Drain well.

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