I get asked quite often why I like to cook. The first reason I give is normally because I like to eat. I am Thai and food is a big factor in our culture. We greet each other with hello followed by 'have you eaten? When guests turn up at your house it's safe to assume that they will expect to be fed.

The second reason is that as I grew up in the Northeastern part of Thailand, the poorest region, food was always hard to come by. We weren't hungry as there was always rice, but it was difficult finding something to go with rice. Now I do have ingredients to go with rice, I want to cook!

Saturday 29 October 2016

Beef Tom Yum Soup ต้มยำเนื้อเปื่อย.

Beef Tom Yum Soup ต้มยำเนื้อเปื่อย.

The best known Thai soup and one of the most renowned Thai foods, extremely popular within and outside Thailand. This soup is usually made with prawns or a combination of seafoods. The soup is wonderfully fragrant and has such depth of flavours and I think the slow braising method will only enhance its deliciousness, so I have done a stewing beef version. Gloriously hot, sour, spicy and inadvertently medicinal. This soup will cure and clear up autumnal colds. Perfect as part of a meal or spoon over some noodles and vegetables (not recommended as a starter as this is an intensely strong and pungent soup. Thai soups are normally eaten the same way as curries; with rice).

In a large stock pot, put in

-3 litres water,

-1 beef stock cube,

-1tsp sea salt,

-3tbsp fish sauce,

-6cm sliced galangal,

-3 sliced lemongrass,

-6-8 kaffir lime leaves,

-a small handful coriander,

-6-8 sliced red chillies,

-2tsp tamarind purée,

-4 tomatoes, quartered,

-2 sliced onions,

-4-5 cloves crushed garlic.

Bring up to the boil, add

-1kg beef skirt, cut into 3cm chunks.

Leave on a gentle simmer for 1 1/2 hours or until the beef is tender and melting, add

-250g sliced mushrooms.

Continue to cook until the mushrooms are done.

Taste and adjust the seasoning.

You may need more fish sauce or/and lime juice.

Stir through,

-1tbsp chilli oil,

-4 sliced spring onions,

-3tbsp chopped coriander.


Thursday 27 October 2016

Almonds and Coconut Apple Tart.

Almonds and Coconut Apple Tart.

Adding my own Thai twist to this very French tart with some desiccated coconut. I love coconut in both savoury and sweet recipes. I love the sweet smokiness desiccated coconut gives to sweet dishes and coconut milk provides creaminess to savoury meals. Being Thai it would be treasonous not to like coconut. In this apple tart, the ground almonds and coconut paste is sweet, buttery and nutty against the sweet and sour apples...delicious!


25cm loose bottomed tart tin.

The pastry.

In a food processor, put in,

-250g plain flour,

-125g chilled butter,

-2tbsp icing sugar,

-1 egg yolk (reserve the egg white).

Process well to combine. If there are too many dry crumbs left add,

-cold water, a tablespoon at a time.

Tip on to a floured surface, knead briefly to bring the dough together.

Roll out to fit the tart tin, about 1/2cm in thickness. Prick the base with a fork. Refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Oven 180c fan forced.

Bake the chilled pastry for 20 minutes (there's no need to blind bake)

Brush with the reserved egg white.

Bake for 5 minutes.

The almond and coconut paste.

In a bowl, put in

-150g ground almonds,

-50g desiccated coconut,

-150g softened butter,

-180g caster sugar,

-3 eggs.

Mix well to combine.

To assemble.

Spoon the almond and coconut paste into the tart case.

Top with 2 thinly sliced eating apples.

Bake at 160c fan forced for 45 minutes.

Leave to cool completely to firm up.

Optional extra.

Microwave 3tbsp of raspberry jam.

Brush the tart with the jam for colour and shine.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Black Pepper Pork หมูผัดพริกไทดำ.

Black Pepper Pork หมูผัดพริกไทดำ.

The pork steaks are wonderfully tender having been marinated with plenty of black pepper and garlic. The onions and bell pepper lend beautiful crunch and fresh sweetness. An incredibly warming, spicy and smoky meal; perfectly autumnal. Another CCC's Airfryer recipe.

The paste.

In a pestle and mortar, pound

-1tbsp peppercorns,

-4 cloves garlic.

Pound well to combine.

In a large bowl, put in

-500g pork shoulder steaks,

-the paste,

-2tbsp oyster sauce,

-2tbsp soy sauce,

-2tsp sesame oil.

Mix well and leave to marinate at least an hour.

The vegetables.

-1/2 sliced green pepper,

-1/2 sliced yellow pepper,

-2 red sliced red chillies,

-1 onion, cut into chunks,

-2 sliced spring onions.

Cook the pork steaks in the Airfryer at 180c for 20 minutes.

(Alternatively place the pork steaks under a hot grill).

Reserve the marinade.

Leave the cooked steaks to rest for 5 minutes or so before slicing.

In a wok, with a tablespoon of vegetable oil, fry

-the vegetables.

Cook, stirring occasionally until vegetables are cooked to your liking, add

-the marinade,

-2tbsp water,

-1tbsp soy sauce,

-1tbsp oyster sauce,

-1tbsp dark soy sauce.

Stir well to combine.

Spoon the vegetables over the sliced pork steaks.

Serve with rice.

Friday 21 October 2016

Pork and Corn Cakes ทอดมันหมู.

Pork and Corn Cakes ทอดมันหมู.

These easy Thai pork cakes are wonderfully delicious and spicy. They are great as appetisers, snacks or light lunch. The spicy, sweet and sour relish is a necessary accompaniment. It cuts through the richness of the pork cakes and provides crunchy fresh acidity. Traditionally deep fried but as this is a CCC recipe the pork cakes were given the Airfryer treatment. Super easy, limited mess and no exploding hot oil.

In a large bowl, put in

-1kg pork mince,

-1tsp bicarbonate of soda,

-1tbsp cornflour,

-1tbsp soy sauce,

-2tbsp oyster sauce,

-2tbsp green or red curry paste,

-150g cooked sweet corn,

-3 sliced spring onions,

-2tbsp chopped coriander.

Mix well to combine.

Leave to marinate for 30 minutes or so.

Roll heaped tablespoonfuls of pork mixture into balls.

Press lightly to 1cm in thickness.

Deep fry.

I cooked mine in the Airfryer at 180c for 8-10 minutes.

The vegetable relish.

In a small saucepan, put in

-100ml malt vinegar,

-1tsp sea salt,

-5tbsp caster sugar.

Cook, stirring on low heat until the sugar and salt have dissolved.

Leave to cool for around 10 minutes, add

-150g carrots,

-2 sliced spring onions,

-1 finely chopped red onion,

-2tbsp chopped coriander,

-1 finely chopped chilli.

Leave to stand for 1-2 hours.

Crispy Belly Pork with Broccoli.

Crispy Belly Pork with Broccoli.

I love pork belly and all the other fatty cuts of meat. I suppose stir frying them with broccoli makes it appear slightly healthier. Delicious smoky pieces of pork belly contrasts perfectly with the sweet freshness of the broccoli. This recipe is based on the more famous Thai dish 'kana moo grop' คะน้าหมูกรอบ 'Crispy Belly Pork with Gailon'. Belly of pork is readily available but Chinese broccoli or Gailon is not, hence the broccoli. Kana Moo Grop is extremely popular in Thailand. I don't go to Thai restaurants in the UK so I am not sure if it has made its way Westwards.

The pork.

Slice 500g pork belly pieces into 2cm chunks.

Season generously with sea salt.

Dry fry in a large wok until the fat is rendered.

Drain well.

The broccoli.

800g broccoli, broken into florets.

The seasoning.

-2tbsp soy sauce.

-2tbsp oyster sauce.

-2tsp sesame oil.

-pinch of sugar.

In a wok, with a tablespoon of vegetable oil, fry

-2 cloves chopped garlic.

Cook, stirring for 20 seconds or so, add

-the broccoli

Cook, stirring for around a minute, add

-the seasoning.

Mix well to coat the broccoli in the sauces.

Continue to cook until the broccoli is cooked to your liking, add

-the pork belly.

They only need to be warmed through.

Serve with rice.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Beef and Apricot Tagine.

Beef and Apricot Tagine.

On a wet and cold night such as this, there's possibly nothing better than some hearty yet exotic stew. This tagine is deliciously sweet, spicy and aromatic, with subtle hints of smoke and heat. To make this recipe more authentic, you may want to use lamb shoulders instead of beef skirt. A winter warmer with a difference but simple to make and ingredients are readily available.

Serves 6.


Tagine pot or deep casserole dish.


In a large bowl, put in,

-1kg beef skirt, cut into 4cm chunks,

-1/2tsp ground cinnamon,

-1/2tsp turmeric powder,

-1/2tsp ground ginger,

-1/2tsp paprika,

-1/2tsp cayenne pepper (adjust according to your taste)

-2tsp harissa paste (adjust according to your taste)


-1tbsp olive oil.

Mix well to combine.

Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours to overnight.

When ready.

In a tagine or casserole pan, fry

-1 sliced onion, with

-2 cloves chopped garlic,

-1tsp whole cumin seeds,

-2tbsp fresh coriander.

Cook, stirring until the onions have caramelised, add

-marinated beef,

-1/2tsp paprika,

-1/2tsp cayenne pepper (adjust according to your taste)

-1/2 ground cinnamon,

-1/2tsp ground ginger,

-1/2tsp turmeric powder,

-2tsp harissa paste,

-chopped chillies (optional).


Cook, stirring to coat the beef in the spices, add

-3 tomatoes, quartered.

-500ml chicken stock,

-2tbsp chopped parsley.

Put the lid on and leave to simmer on gentle heat for 30 minutes, add

-150g dried apricots.


Leave to simmer for 1hr-1:15hrs.

Stirring occasionally.

You may need to add more liquid.

The beef should be tender and flaking when done.

To taste:

-soy sauce.

-sea salt.

Croissant French Toast.

Croissant French Toast.

These are not our breakfast but dessert. Rich, sweet and buttery, all the hallmarks of a naughty treat. Serve hot with lashings of golden syrup, (the girls are not a fan of maple syrup) this is one pudding to beat those winter chills.

In a large bowl, put in

-3 large eggs,

-1tsp vanilla bean paste.

Whisk well to combine, add

-4 croissant, split in half.

Leave the croissant halves to soak up the egg mixture for 10 minutes or so.

Fry in vegetable oil on low heat.

Drain well.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Bento Dinner Box.

Bento Dinner Box.

Bento boxes are not just for packed lunches. The choice and creativity of your bento box is entirely your own. I have stuck close to tradition here and our bento box is Japanese food. There's Japanese egg fried rice, stir fried vegetables, chicken teriyaki and chicken karaage. I want to talk a little about the chicken karaage (Kah-Rah-Ah-Ge) as this is CCC's first post of the recipe. These are delicious little chicken pieces, marinated in Japanese flavouring and then deep fried. Soft, crispy, aromatic and super easy, this is one recipe you will definitely enjoy. I would probably have a seizure if I didn't have chillies, so the little prawn dish on the side is my Thai contribution....stir fried green curry prawns. I will only be sharing the chicken karaage recipe as I have already shared the other recipes.

Chicken Karaage.

In a bowl put, put in

-200g chicken breasts, cut into 2cm chunks,

-2tsp grated ginger,

-1 clove grated garlic,

-1tsp sesame oil,

-1tbsp mirin,

-1tbsp soy sauce,

-salt and pepper.

Mix well.

Leave to marinate for at least 30 minutes.

Before you deep fry...

Coat the chicken in 2 2/1 tbsp cornflour.

Deep fry until deep brown.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Scotch Eggs in Tamarind Sauce.

Scotch Eggs in Tamarind Sauce.

The scotch eggs need no introduction but you may be a little surprised with what I have done here. These eggs may look like the traditional scotch eggs but that's where the similarities end. The taste profile of these eggs is definitely Thai; sweet, sour, spicy and savoury, everything you'd associate with Thai cuisine. This recipe is based on the more well known 'Son in Law Eggs'. This curiously named dish has many intriguing stories behind it, some believe that it's a warning to sons in law not to treat their wives poorly. The eggs are boiled and then deep fried, so I guess that's what would become of the son in law if he was to mistreat his wife. As a mum of 2 beautiful girls I'd better start perfecting this recipe for future use.

The scotch eggs.

In a large bowl, put in

-20 dry Shitake mushrooms, add

-cold water.

Leave aside for 30 minutes to soften.

But substitute with 100g fresh chestnut mushrooms if you prefer.


-2 cloves chopped garlic.

-2tbsp chopped ginger.

-3 chopped spring onions.

-2tbsp chopped coriander.

-1 carrot, finely chopped.

The sauce.

-2tbsp oyster sauce.

-2tbsp soy sauce.

-1tbsp sesame oil.

-1tsp white pepper.

-pinch of salt.

The eggs.

4 eggs, boiled and peeled.

The pork.

-500g mince pork, add

-the sauce,

-the vegetables,

-finely chopped mushrooms.

Mix well and refrigerate until needed.

Divide into 4 equal portions.

Encase the eggs in the pork mixture.

Deep fry until cooked through.

I cooked mine in the Airfryer at 180c for 20 minutes.

The tamarind sauce.

In a small saucepan, put in

-150ml water,

-2 red chillies,

-2tsp tamarind purée,

-1tbsp soy sauce,

-1tbsp oyster sauce,

-1tbsp brown sugar.

Leave to simmer for around 10 minutes or until thick and glossy.

Taste and adjust the seasoning.

For the onions.

-1 sliced onion,

-2 cloves sliced garlic.

Deep fry until crispy.

Drain well and leave aside.

To serve.

Slice the scotch eggs.

Spoon on the sauce.

Top with crispy onions.

Sprinkle over sliced spring onions.

Serve with rice.

Monday 17 October 2016

Korean BBQ Pork Ribs.

Korean BBQ Pork Ribs.

I have made these ribs using the low and slow cooking method in other words easy, lazy and fuss free. It's taken less than 10 minutes to put this recipe together. For not much effort we are awarded with tender, falling off the bone ribs. Deliciously sweet, savoury, sticky with the most mouth-watering aromas. The girls were full of praise...

In a large oven tray, put in

-1kg meaty pork ribs, season generously with


Cover with foil.

Bake in 150c fan forced oven for 1 1/2 hours.

After the ribs have had their first 90 minutes, add

-the BBQ sauce.

Mix well.

Bake, uncovered at 150c, for another 45 minutes.

Bake at 180c fan forced for around 10-15 minutes or until golden brown.

The sauce.

In a small bowl, put in

-3 cloves chopped garlic,

-1tbsp grated ginger,

-1 small grated onion,

-2tsp sesame oil,

-3tbsp honey,

-1/2tbsp ketjap manis,

-2tbsp soy sauce,

-1tbsp balsamic vinegar.

Mix well.

Sunday 16 October 2016

Coffee Crème Caramel.

Coffee Crème Caramel.

Deliciously rich, creamy and cool with a hint of bitter sweetness. The coffee adds such subtle lovely smokiness, totally and gloriously indulgent. This is not a very diet friendly version with the pudding made entirely from double cream. For those who can resist the temptation of the double cream's calorific deliciousness, you can substitute it with whole milk.


-6x200ml capacity ramekins.

-Deep oven tray.

For the caramel.

In a saucepan, put in

-50ml water,

-150g caster sugar.

Cook, without stirring on low heat until the sugar has dissolved.

Bring to the boil, turn the heat up to medium, cook for around 10-15 minutes, until the mixture has become golden.

Divide equally between the ramekins and leave aside.

In a large bowl, whisk

-4 eggs with

-100g caster sugar,

-1tsp vanilla bean paste,

-pinch of salt.

Leave aside.

Oven at 140c fan forced.

Put the kettle on to boil.

In a large saucepan, put in 

-600ml double cream,

-2tbsp coffee granules.

Cook on low heat to just below boiling point.

Add 1/2 cup of hot milk to egg/ sugar mixture, whisking all the time.

Continue to add hot milk this way until at least 2 cups of milk have been used.

This is to stop the egg mixture curdling.

Then add the rest of the mixture.

Transfer to a jug.

Pour into the ramekins

Place the ramekins in the deep oven tray.

Fill the tray with hot water, from the kettle, to half way up the ramekins.

Bake 35 minutes.

Leave the crème caramel to cool to room temperature.

Refrigerate at least 4 hrs.

Invert onto the serving plate, serve cold.

Friday 14 October 2016

Baked Buffalo Wings.

Baked Buffalo Wings.

Traditionally buffalo wings are deep fried but I hate deep frying, plus I wanted something healthier for the girls. These are crispy without being fried and they couldn't be simpler or faster to make. These wings are made for the girls so they are sweet and sour without any spiciness. I have coated the chicken in tomato rather than hot sauce but add a good teaspoonful of cayenne pepper if you prefer.

In a large oven tray, put in

-1kg chicken wings,

-1tsp sea salt,

-1tbsp onion granules,

-1tbsp dry garlic,

-2tbsp plain flour,

-2-3tbsp vegetable oil.

Mix well.

Bake in 180c fan forced oven for 20 minutes.

The sauce.

In a small saucepan, put in

-150g tomato ketchup,

-2tbsp balsamic vinegar,

-50g butter.

Cook, stirring occasionally until the butter have melted.

Pour the sauce over the chicken.

Continue to cook until the chicken is cooked through, around 20 minutes.

Beer Braised Beef Brisket in Brioche Burger Bun.

Beer Braised Beef Brisket in Brioche Burger Bun.

Serving the leftover beef with two delicious new accompaniments, homemade buns and spicy wedges. These buns are soft, buttery, nutty with a hint of sweetness. They are easy to make if a little time consuming.

For the spicy wedges.

In a large oven try, put in

-500g potatoes, cut into 1cm chunks,

-1tbsp plain flour,

-3tbsp vegetable oil,

-1tsp cayenne pepper,

-1tbsp paprika,


Mix well.

Bake in 180c fan forced oven for around 30 minutes.

Brioche Burger Buns.

Makes. 8


Large oven tray lined with greased foil.


-250ml lukewarm water.

-2tbsp caster sugar.

-3tbsp milk.

-2tsp dried yeast.

Stir all the ingredients together and leave aside for 10 minutes.

-100g butter, melted, leave aside.

-1egg+1 egg yolk, whisked, leave aside.

In a large bowl, put in

-620g Strong white flour,

-1tsp of salt, mix well.

Make a well in the centre, add

-yeast mixture,

-melted butter,

-whisked eggs.

Bring the mixture together with your hand to form a rough dough, it will be quite sticky.

On a floured surface knead the dough for around 5 minutes until it's elastic and smooth.

Press your thumb on the dough and if it's ready it'll spring back.

Put in an oiled bowl.

Leave to prove for 2 hours.

After 2 hours.

Briefly knead the dough and divide into 8 equal portions.

Shape each portion into a rough 8cm disc.

Place the buns on the prepared tin, about 2cm apart.

Cover with oiled cling film and leave to prove for a further 1 hour.

Preheat oven to 190c fan forced for 10 minutes.

When ready, brush the buns with

-reserved egg white, beaten with

-1tbsp of milk.

Sprinkle over some sesame seeds.

Bake 15-20 minutes, until golden brown.

Cool on rack.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Beer Braised Beef Brisket.

Beer Braised Beef Brisket.

The name is entirely coincidental! I had not planned to team beer and brisket together but rather thinking of doing beer battered toad in the hole. I just don't fancy sausages today but, instead, pined for a large bowl of pasta covered in rich ragù. It doesn't get richer than this beer braised brisket, cooked with lots of strong flavoured vegetables such as onions, garlic, leeks. To balance those super weights, the sauce is sweetened with carrots, celery and tomatoes with floral aromas from bay leaves and parsley. There's plenty left for tomorrow's dinner, which will be served as 'Beer Braised Beef Brisket Sloppy Joe with Homemade Buns'. I am thinking there'll be just enough left over for pizzas later on as well.

The vegetables.

-3 cloves chopped garlic.

-2 sliced onions.

-2 chopped leeks.

-2 carrots, cut into chunks,

-2 celery stalks, cut into chunks.

The beef.

2x500g beef brisket.

Seasoned generously with salt and pepper.

The herbs.

-3-4 bay leaves.

-a small bunch parsley

The sauce.

-500ml beer.

-2x400g tin plum tomatoes.

-1tbsp balsamic vinegar,

-1tbsp soy sauce,

-1 beef stock cube.

In a large casserole pan, with 2tbsp of olive oil, fry

-garlic, with




Cook, stirring until the vegetables have caramelised, add

-1tbsp paprika,

-2tbsp plain flour.

Stir well, add

-the brisket.

Cook, stirring to coat the beef in the vegetables.

Continue to cook for 5 minutes, add




Stir well, add

-the sauce.

Bring up to the boil.

Place in 150c fan forced oven for around 3 hours or until tender and flaking.

Serve with pasta, rice or mashed potatoes.

Chocolate Pancakes with Chocolate Sauce.

Chocolate Pancakes with Chocolate Sauce.

These thick, soft and spongy pancakes are the girls' dessert rather than breakfast. They are extremely rich, chocolatey and fringing on bitter, not my taste but the girls seem to love them. I didn't need to fight the girls for these and there are a few left for tomorrow's breakfast.


40g butter, melted and leave to cool.

200g melted dark chocolate.

In a large bowl, put in,

-250g plain flour,

-50g cocoa powder

-3tbsp caster sugar,

-1tsp vanilla bean paste,

-1/2tsp salt,

-1tbsp baking powder.

Stir well to combine, add

-2 whisked eggs,

-370ml whole milk.

Whisk well to combine, add

-melted butter,

-100g melted chocolate.

Whisk and transfer into a jug.

Cook in a frying pan, on medium-low heat, greased with butter.

For the chocolate sauce.

In a small saucepan, put in

-reserved melted chocolate,

-50g butter,

-3tbsp golden syrup,

-100g double cream.

Cook, stirring constantly on low heat until the ingredients have melted and the sauce is thick and glossy.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Pork in Tamarind Sauce with Crispy Onions หมูซอสมะขาม.

Pork in Tamarind Sauce with Crispy Onions หมูซอสมะขาม.

Tender pork steaks in sweet and sour tamarind sauce spiked generously, as per usual, with red chillies. The crispy fried garlic and onions provide texture and crunchy sweetness. A deliciously rich and simple midweek meal and another of my Airfryer recipe.

For the pork.

In a bowl, put in

-500g pork steaks,


-1tbsp oyster sauce,

-1tbsp soy sauce,

-2tsp sesame oil.

Mix well and leave to marinate for a couple of hours.

Cook in the Airfryer at 180c for 12-15 minutes.

For the onions.

-1 sliced onion,

-2 cloves sliced garlic.

Deep fry until crispy.

Drain well and leave aside.

For the sauce.

In a small saucepan, put in

-150ml water,

-2 red chillies,

-2tsp tamarind purée,

-1tbsp soy sauce,

-1tbsp oyster sauce,

-1tbsp brown sugar.

Leave to simmer for around 10 minutes or until thick and glossy.

Taste and adjust the seasoning.

Green Curry Stir Fried Belly Pork.

Green Curry Stir Fried Belly Pork.

Crispy pieces of belly pork stir fried in aromatic homemade curry paste with the added freshness of homegrown Thai basil. Deliciously punchy, savoury and spicy. What a treat and a surprise, Jon and Jenni Diec, thank you very much for the basil, a very unexpected and much appreciated gift. The sweet and perfumed aromas made us all take deep appreciative breaths. I have also added some of the basil to the green curry.

For the pork.

Place 500g sliced pork belly pieces in a sauté pan.

Cook, stirring occasionally, on medium heat until crispy.

Drain well.

In a wok, with a tablespoon of vegetable oil, fry

-1tbsp green curry paste.

Cook, stirring for 20 seconds or so, add

-the belly pork, with

-4-5 kaffir lime leaves.

Cook, stirring to coat the pork pieces in the spices, add

-50ml water,

-10g basil leaves,

-2 sliced spring onions,

-pinch of sugar.

Mix well.

Stir through 2 sliced spring onions.

Taste and adjust the seasoning.

Serve with rice and a fried egg.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Kentucky Fake Chicken

Kentucky Fake Chicken.

This latest recipe is dreamt up with my vegetarian friends in mind. They had never tried KFC and I hope these broccoli florets will be the closest thing to spicy wings. The broccoli florets have been seasoned with Deep South spices to emulate their meat counterpart. I thought they were delicious and could easy eat a whole plateful myself.

The broccoli.

350g broccoli florets.

Parboil in salty water.

Drain well and leave to cool for 10-15 minutes.

Place in a large bowl, with

-2tbsp vegetable oil,

-1 1/2tbsp plain flour,

-1tbsp onion granules,

-1tbsp dry garlic,

-1tbsp paprika,

-pinch of cayenne pepper (adjust according to your taste),


Mix well.

Bake in 180c fan forced for 20 minutes.

Ham and Cheese Pasties.

Ham and Cheese Pasties.

Turning leftover glazed ham into these savoury, smokey and cheesy pastries. Absolutely delicious, rich and filling. To cut through the richness of the cheese, I am serving mine with some spicy, sweet and sour pickled vegetables.

   For the filling.

-1kg cooked potatoes.

Mashed and seasoned with salt and pepper, add

-320g chopped ham,

-2tbsp chopped parsley,

-1tbsp Dijon mustard,

-220g grated cheddar cheese.

   For the pastry.

In a food processor, put in

-650g plain flour,

-1tsp salt,

-150g butter, cubed,

-100g beef dripping.

Pulse to combine, add

-325-350ml cold water.

If the pastry is too dry, add a little more water.

Tip onto a floured surface.

Bring the dough together with your hands.

Don't knead.

Place in the fridge to chill for 20 minutes.

When the pastry is ready....

Divide into 8 equal portions.

Roll out to 20 round discs.

Spoon on the ham mixture (around 5tbsp per disc).

Brush the edges with milk.

Crimp the edges.

Put on the prepared trays (2 large baking trays lined with baking paper)

Brush with milk.

Oven 220c fan forced.

Bake 15 minutes.

Turn the oven down to 180c fan forced.

Bake 15 minutes.

Turn off the oven and leave the pasties to continue to cook in the residual heat for 5-10 minutes.

Cool on rack.

Note: if you have any filling left, roll them into balls and bake alongside the pasties.

Monday 10 October 2016

Roast Goose and Pineapple Pizzas.

Roast Goose and Pineapple Pizzas.

We have had a weekend full of lovely food and today we are cooking with leftovers. As well as goose, we also have glazed ham with chilli pizza (mine). My older daughter had goose sandwich for lunch but there was still enough left for these luxury pizzas. For those family members who are allergic to cheese, there's the noodle soup. There's still plenty of ham left, I will share that recipe with you tomorrow. I love leftovers, they do taste better the next day and the days after.


3 baking trays lined with greased foil.

Pizza base:

   The yeast.

In a bowl, put in,

-325ml lukewarm water,

-1tsp caster sugar,

-1 1/2 tsp dried active yeast,

-3 tbsp olive oil.

Stir well, leave to stand for 15 minutes.

   The dry mixture.

In a large bowl, put in,

-500g strong white flour,

-1 tsp sea salt.

Mix well and leave aside.

When the yeast is ready add to the dry mixture,

Bring to a rough dough with your hand.

Tip onto a floured surface and knead to a smooth and elastic dough, around 5 minutes. (The dough is ready when it springs back when pressed with your finger)

Put the dough into an oiled bowl, cover, and leave to prove in a warm place for 2 hrs.

   Tomato sauce.

-1 chopped onion,

-1 clove garlic,

Stir fry together until the onions have softened and caramelised , add

-400g tinned or fresh tomatoes,

-sea salt/pepper,

-1tbsp soy sauce,

-fresh basil (optional).

Leave to simmer on low heat, until the sauce has thickened but still spreadable.

Leave aside until needed.

Oven 230c fan forced, put baking trays in to preheat (around 10 minutes)

When ready, divide the dough into 3 equal pieces.

Roll each dough, on the greased foil, to a rough rectangle around 30x15cm.

Spread tomato sauce over the base.

Top with your choice of toppings.

Put on the pre baked trays.

Bake 15-20 minutes.

Goose Noodle Soup.

Aromatic Goose Noodle Soup.

An almost free meal made from the leftover goose carcass. There's plenty of meat left on the bones of roasted fowls and should never be thrown away. The goose was stuffed with Asian herbs and spices, which has given it intense perfumed aromas. This has added depth to the already beautifully flavoured stock. The stock for this broth is the ham poaching liquor, also spiced with Asian flavourings, nothing is going to waste. If you are a fan of Vietnamese phõ, you will love this version.

In a large stock pot, place

-the goose carcass (along with all the herbs and spices it has been cooked with),

-2 litres ham stock,

-1 litre water,

-2 carrots, cut into chunks,

-2 celery, cut into chunks,

-a small handful coriander.

Bring up to the boil, turn the heat down to low, simmer for around 1 hour.

Serve with your choice of noodles and vegetables.

Great accompaniments to any noodle soups include,

-crispy fried shallots,

-crispy fried garlic,

-chopped spring onions,

-chopped coriander,

-chilli flakes,


-touch of sugar.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Asian Spiced Roast Goose.

Asian Spiced Roast Goose.

A little something different to a normal Sunday roast. An intensely aromatic goose flavoured generously with Asian herbs and spices. I am still serving it with traditional accompaniments of roast potatoes, vegetables and cauliflower cheese, although that has been slightly modified. We have family coming to lunch, although no pressure has ever been put on me to put great dinners on the table, I always want to make something different and special. I am very lucky, to my family, my beans on toast would still be considered the best meal in the land. However, I should do better than beans on toast today and do a roast goose.

   For the goose.

-4kg goose.

Trim any excess fat.

Lightly score the skin.

Lightly prick the fatty parts of the goose (the legs and sides of the breasts)

Season generously with salt.

Stuff the cavity with,

-5-6 cloves crushed garlic,

-2 onions, quartered,

-1 stick cinnamon,

-2 star anise,

-10-15 cloves,

-1tsp peppercorns,

-1tbsp sea salt.

Place on a roasting rack.

Bake in 220c fan forced oven for 30 minutes.

Reduce the oven temperature to 180c fan forced, cook for a further 1 hour.

Leave to rest for around 30 minutes.

   The gravy.

The goose came with giblets and I have used that to make the gravy.

In a roasting tin, place

-the giblets,

-1 sliced onion,

-2 cloves crushed garlic,

-1 carrot, cut into chunks,

-1 celery, cut into chunks,


Bake in 180c fan forced for around 45 minutes.

Spoon into a large saucepan, add

-2tbsp plain flour.

Stir well to combine, add

-400ml water.

Bring up to the boil.

Cook, stirring until the gravy has thickened.

I rendered down the excess fat( seasoned with salt and pepper) on medium heat and cooked my potatoes in it.

Southern Spiced Cauliflower Cheese.

Southern Spiced Cauliflower Cheese.

The girls are in love with my Southern baked chicken at the moment, which is the inspiration behind this recipe. This cauliflower cheese is spiced with Deep South flavourings, which has given it a slightly smokey spiciness. I am serving this with my Asian roast goose and goose fat roasted potatoes. These globe trotting flavours seem to work very well together.

For the cauliflower.

-1.2kg cauliflower, broken into florets.

Boil in salty water.

Drain and place in a deep oven dish.

For the sauce.

In a wok, with 3tbsp vegetable oil, fry

-1 chopped onion,

-2 bay leaves.

Cook, occasionally until the onions have softened, add

-1tsp dry oregano,

-1tsp cayenne pepper,

-1tbsp paprika,

-1tbsp onion granules,

-1tbsp dry garlic,


Stir well, add

-80g plain flour.

Stir well, gradually add,

-milk (you'll need 1 litre in total).

Cook, stirring for 5-10 minutes or until the sauce has thickened.

Pour over the cauliflower.

Top with 200g cheddar cheese.

Bake in 180c fan forced for around 45 minutes.

Toffee Apple Traybake.

Toffee Apple Traybake.

A deliciously spiced apple traybake topped with gooey, stick-to-your-teeth rich and sweet toffee. I hope you are not bored with my endless traybake recipes. In my defence I was planning to make a cake but the amount of batter I ended up with would not fit in any cake tins available. We have had a couple of windy days and the fallen apples needed to be used up, hence this HUGE traybake. I will be back with something more sophisticated soon.


20x30 baking tray lined with baking paper.

For the apples.

-1.2kg Bramley apples, peeled, cored and sliced into 1cm in thickness.

In a large sauté pan on medium heat, with 50g butter, add

-the apples,

-1 stick cinnamon or 1tsp ground cinnamon,

-150g brown sugar,

-pinch of salt.

Cook, stirring occasionally until the apples have cooked down, around 15-20 minutes.

Leave to cool for half an hour.

For the cake.

Use an electric mixer, beat,

-300g self raising flour,

-200g caster sugar,

-1tsp baking powder,

-pinch of salt.

-4 eggs,

-1tsp vanilla bean paste,

-100ml milk.

Beat well to combine, add

-the cooled apples.

Beat to combine.

Spoon into the prepared tin.

Bake 35-40 minutes.

Skewer should come out clean.

Leave to cool for around an hour.

For the toffee.

In a medium saucepan, put in

-250g caster sugar,

-100g golden syrup.

Cook, on medium-low heat until the sugar has dissolved.

Turn the heat up to medium.

Continue to cook until golden brown, around 15 minutes.

Turn the heat down to medium-low, add

-50g butter,

-200ml double cream.

Stir well to combine.

Pour over the cake.

Saturday 8 October 2016

Miso and Honey Glazed Ham.

Miso and Honey Glazed Ham.

Fans of Japanese food are probably more familiar with miso soups or miso glazed fish and chicken. Glazed ham is my go to meal when I don't feel particularly energetic or in need of food that will please everyone. I have probably done around 8-10 hams, all with different glazes. I have previously done a Thai chilli jam ham glaze and I am moving further East with this newest recipe. I am very lucky to live locally to one of the best stocked supermarkets. All the Japanese ingredients in this recipe are from said supermarket, there's no need to find an Oriental shop for this recipe.

In a large stock pot, put in

-3 litres water,

-2.5kg gammon joint,

-4 bay leaves,

-2 carrots, cut into chunks,

-2 celery stalks, cut into chunks.

-1 large onion,

-1 cinnamon stick,

-3 star anise,

-8-10 cloves,

-1tbsp peppercorns.

Bring to the boil and turn the heat down to a gentle simmer.

Cook for 2 hrs.

Leave the ham to cool in the stock pot.

The glaze.

In a large bowl, put in,

-2tbsp miso paste,

-2tbsp mirin,

-4tbsp honey.

Mix well and leave aside.

When the ham is cooled enough to handle,

-remove the fat,

-score the skin.

Spread the glaze liberally over the ham.

Bake around 45 minutes, basting every 15 minutes.

Friday 7 October 2016

Beef Cheek Rogan Josh.

Beef Cheek Rogan Josh.

I have broken 2 rules of Rogan Josh with this recipe. Firstly this is, traditionally, a lamb dish of Persian origin. Secondly Rogan Josh means cooked in oil in intense heat. I don't eat lamb so I have replaced it with beef cheek and instead of fierce heat, this curry has been slowly braised in a low oven. If you have not tried beef cheek before, I recommend that you do. It's an economical cut of meat that is perfect for a lazy, slow and long cooking process. The end result is meltingly tender beef with the most extraordinary deep rich flavoured sauce. This curry is fiery, sultry and mouth-wateringly delicious. This has to be my most scrummy Indian recipe yet!

For the spices.

In a small frying pan, dry roast,

-2tsp peppercorns,

-2tbsp coriander seeds,

-2tbsp cumin seeds,

-5-6 cloves.

Cook, stirring on low heat until the spices are toasted.

Finely grind using a spice grinder or pestle and mortar.

Extra spices.

-2tsp fennel seeds.

-1 stick cassia bark or cinnamon.

-1/2tsp ground mace,

-5 cardamom, leave whole.

For the Sauce.

-2 cloves chopped garlic.

-2tbsp chopped ginger.

-2 sliced onions.

-1tsp turmeric powder.

-1tbsp paprika.

-1tbsp cayenne pepper.

-2tsp salt (adjust accordingly)

-300g chopped tomatoes.

-500ml water.

-150ml natural yoghurt.

For the beef.

-2x300g beef cheeks.

Seasoned generously with salt.

Leave aside.

In a large casserole pan, with 2tbsp of vegetable oil, fry

-garlic with,



-extra spices.

Cook, stirring until the onions have caramelised, add

-roasted ground spices,

-beef cheeks.

Stir to coat the beef in the spices, add

-turmeric powder,


-cayenne pepper,


Stir well, add



-2tbsp yoghurt.

Continue to add a couple of tablespoonfuls of yoghurt at a time until it's all gone (if you add it all at once, the sauce may split).

Bring up to the boil.

Place in 150c fan forced oven for around 3 hours or until flaking and tender.

Sticky Toffee Pudding Traybake with Butterscotch Sauce.

Sticky Toffee Pudding Traybake with Butterscotch Sauce.

Everyone around me loves sticky toffee pudding, so I have come up with this huge traybake to ensure everyone gets a piece. Deliciously rich, sweet and stodgy in the best possible way.

Serves 12.


20x30 baking tray lined with baking paper.

In a large heat proof bowl, put in

-2 tea bags, with

-300g chopped dates,

-500ml boiling water,

-1tsp bicarbonate of soda.

Stir and leave for 15 minutes.

Discard tea bags.

For the cake.

Use an electric mixer, beat,

-300g self raising flour,

-120g softened butter,

-120g caster sugar,

-good pinch of salt,

-4 eggs.

Beat well to combine, add

-the date mixture.

Beat well.

Pour into the prepared tin.

Bake 30 minutes.

Skewer should come out clean.

Leave to cool for 10 minutes or so before serving.

For the butterscotch sauce.

In a saucepan, put in,

-600ml double cream

-120g butter.

-300g dark brown sugar,

-2tbsp golden syrup.

-pinch of salt.

Cook, stirring on low heat until the sugar and butter have melted.

Carry on cooking for 5 minutes or so to infuse the flavour.

Cut the cake into slices.

Serve with the sauce.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Southern Baked Chicken Wings.

Southern Baked Chicken Wings.

Healthy baked chicken wings, a special treat for my daughters and their friends. KFC's recipe is a heavily guarded secret but I will share mine for free! Extremely quick and easy but still finger lickin' Goooood!

In a bowl, put in

-1kg chicken wings,

-1tsp sea salt,

-1tbsp paprika,

-1tbsp dry garlic,

-1tbsp onion granules,

-3tbsp vegetable oil,

-50g plain flour.

Mix well.

Bake in 180c fan forced for 35 minutes.

Prawns in Coconut Broth ต้มข่ากุ้ง

Prawns in Coconut Broth ต้มข่ากุ้ง

Got chatting to another mum at school this morning, she commented how the cold weather has sneaked up on her. I actually don't mind the cold weather, as it gives me a good excuse to cook up all my favourite foods. This broth is definitely a proper winter warmer. It's spicy, warming and deliciously exotic. The literal translation of this soup is 'galangal broth with ____ ' and it can't be substituted with ginger. I have seen a lot of chefs telling their viewers to use ginger instead of galangal but they do not share any taste similarities whatsoever. If you like the sound of this dish, galangal is widely available in Oriental shops.

Serves 4.

For the prawns.

600g shelled and de-veined.

For the broth.

In a large saucepan, put in

-400ml full fat coconut milk,

-400ml stock,

-2tbsp fish sauce,

-2tsp tamarind purée,

-6cm sliced galangal,

-2 stalks sliced lemongrass,

-5 sliced shallots,

-3 cloves crushed garlic,

-8-10 kaffir lime leaves,

-a small handful of coriander,

-5 dry chillies,

-3 fresh chillies.

Leave to simmer on gentle heat for around 20 minutes.

Turn the heat up and bring the broth up to the boil, add

-150g sliced mushrooms,

-4 sliced tomatoes,


Continue to cook until the prawns are cooked through.

Taste and adjust the seasoning.

Stir through 4 sliced spring onions.

Serve with lime and rice.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Mongolian Chicken.

Mongolian Chicken.

Despite the name, this dish along with its more famous counterpart Mongolian beef, has nothing to do with Mongolia. Mongolian beef and chicken were invented in the 1950s by Taiwanese restaurants. This dish is not meant to be overly spicy but rather sweet and savoury. I have added a couple of chillies to liven and give the dish a more complete rounded flavour. I am serving mine with egg fried rice but it's also popularly served with noodles.


In a bowl, put in,

-500g free range chicken breast, slice into 1cm strips.

-2tsp cornflour,

-1tbsp soy sauce,

-Shaoxing rice wine,


Stir to combine, leave to marinate for about an hour.


In a bowl put in,

-1tbsp dark soy sauce,

-1tbsp light soy sauce,

-1tbsp plum jam,

-2tbsp oyster sauce,

-2tbsp water,

-2tsp sesame oil,

-1/2tsp sugar.

Mix well and leave aside.


-2 cloves chopped garlic,

-3cm sliced ginger,

-1 sliced onion,

-1 sliced pepper,

-4 sliced spring onions,

-2 fresh chillies (adjust according to your taste)

In a wok, on high heat, with a tablespoon of vegetable oil, fry

-the chicken, add



Cook, stirring to coat the chicken in the fragrant oil, add


Cook, stirring, until the chicken is almost cooked through, add


Continue to cook until chicken is done.

Taste and adjust the seasoning.

Spoon onto a serving plate.

Serve with egg fried rice.

Egg Fried Rice.

Egg Fried Rice.

This easy, deliciously comforting dish is more than acceptable as a meal on its own and that's how I like to eat it. I actually don't like fried rice when eaten with other foods and will always go for plain rice. I find the flavours of the fried rice clash with the robust flavours of the dishes I am serving it with. I have buckled under peer pressure today and made this vegetarian version.

Serves 4.


-1 onion, finely chopped.

-1 clove garlic, finely chopped.

-100g chopped carrots.

-3 whisked eggs, seasoned with 2tbsp soy sauce.

-800g cooked rice.

In a large wok with 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, fry,

-garlic, with




Cook, stirring until the vegetables have softened, add

-3 whisked eggs.

Cook, stirring, until the eggs are cooked through, add

-cooked rice.

Stir fry to coat the rice in the egg and vegetable mix, add

-200g cooked sweet corns,

-1 sliced spring onion,

Stir to combine.


Stem Ginger and Coconut Crumble Traybake.

Stem Ginger and Coconut Crumble Traybake.

These are absolutely delicious! Spicy, moist and slightly caramelised. The ground almonds add nuttiness, the desiccated coconut is sweet and beautifully perfumed. The crumble topping is almost a necessity in all of my bakes. The contrasting flavour and textures are absolutely delicious and addictive.


20x 30cm baking tray lined with baking paper.

For the crumble.

In a saucepan, put in,

-100g butter,

-100g caster sugar,

-100g plain flour,

-40g ground almonds,

-40g chopped pecans,

-40g desiccated coconut.

Cook stirring until the butter and sugar have melted.

Leave aside.

The syrup.

In a large saucepan, put in,

-250g butter,

-150g golden syrup,

-225g soft brown sugar,

-130g finely sliced stem ginger (and a couple tablespoons of ginger syrup),

-pinch of salt.

Cook, stirring, until the butter and sugar have melted.

Leave to cool for 5-10 minutes.

For the cake.

Use an electric mixer, beat,

-300g self raising flour,

-1tsp baking powder,

-1tsp ground ginger,

-4 eggs,

-1tsp vanilla bean paste,

-100ml milk.

Beat well to combine.

Stir through,

-the cooled syrup.

Pour into the prepared tin.

Bake 30 minutes.

Skewer should come out clean.

Leave to cool completely.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Oxtail Curry แกงหางวัว.

Oxtail Curry แกงหางวัว.

This really is delicious, the oxtail is melting, tender and falling off the bones. A robust curry sauce is the perfect way to cook tough cuts of meat. Oxtails are great for braising but they do require a long cooking process. They don't, however, require much attention and will simmer gently for a few hours without much input. This is a northern Thai style curry, normally made with beef, chicken or pork, which I have adapted to suit the unique texture and flavour of oxtail. The curry is beautifully fragrant, aromatic and spicy. These bold and robust flavours will only be tamed by plenty of fluffy Jasmine Thai rice.

The curry paste.

In a food processor, put in

-6cm sliced galangal, with

-4 cloves of garlic,

-5 shallots,

-10-15 whole dry chillies,

-a small bunch coriander,

-2 stalks chopped lemongrass.

Pulse to combine.

Leave aside until needed.

For the oxtail.

In a large stock pot, put in

-3.5 litres water.

Bring up to the boil, add

-1tbsp sea salt.

Turn the heat down to a gentle simmer, add

-1kg oxtail pieces.

Leave to cook, cover with a lid, for around 3 hours or until the oxtail pieces are tender

After 3 hours.

Drain well and reserve the cooking liquor.

Wipe the pot clean and put it back on the heat, add

-a tablespoon of vegetable oil, add

-curry paste,

-1tsp turmeric powder,

-1tsp salt,

-1tsp shrimp paste,

-4-5 kaffir lime leaves.

Cook, stirring for about 5 minutes or until the curry paste is fragrant, add

-oxtail pieces,

-1tsp tamarind purée.

Stir to coat the meat pieces in the curry paste, add

-1 litre cooking liquor.

Cover with a lid and leave on a gentle simmer for 1 hour or until the oxtail pieces are falling off the bones.

Taste and adjust the seasoning, you may need a squeeze of lime, sugar or fish sauce.

Monday 3 October 2016

Beef and Ale Pithivier.

Beef and Ale Pithivier.

Deliciously rich pie originating from a French town of the same name. My version is spiced mince beef cooked with plenty of herb and vegetables, flavoured with English ale and encased in 2 puff pastry discs. Fantastically flaky and buttery. You can make this pie as simple or as complicated as you wish, I had gone the time consuming route by making my own puff pastry. This is because I have butter and flour at home, I thought that was the more appealing option than driving 11 miles to get ready-made pastry.

For the beef filling.

In a wok with a tablespoon of vegetable oil, fry

-1 chopped onion,

-2 cloves chopped garlic,

-100g chopped carrots,

-100g chopped celery,

-3-4 bay leaves,


Cook, stirring occasionally until the vegetables have softened, add

-700g beef mince,


Cook stirring occasionally until the beef is cooked.

Drain any excess oil.

Place the wok back on the heat, add

-150g sliced mushrooms,

-2tbsp parsley,

-1 beef stock cube,

-1tbsp plain flour.

Stir well to combine, add

-500ml ale.

Leave to simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Leave to cool for 10 minutes.

Drain well and reserve the cooking liquor.

For the puff pastry.

Leave 250g block of butter to soften.

In a food processor, put in

-30g butter,

-250g plain flour,

-1/2tsp salt,

-120ml water.

Process until a dough is formed.

Tip onto a floured surface.

Knead briefly.

Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Place cling film on you work surface.

Place 220g butter on it.

Cover with cling film.

Roll the butter out to

-9cm in height,

-8cm wide.

Leave aside, at room temperature, until the dough is ready.

When ready, roll the dough out to

-30cm in height,

-10cm wide.

Remove the cling film from the butter.

Place the butter in the centre of the dough.

Fold bottom 1/3 of dough over the butter.

Fold the top 1/3 over the butter.

Turn the dough so that the short end is facing you.

Roll the dough out to

-30cm in height,

-10cm wide.

Fold bottom 1/3 of dough into the centre.

Fold the top 1/3 over the bottom 1/3.

Wrap in cling film

Refrigerate for 30-45 minutes.

Repeat this process 6-8 times.

Refrigerate for 1 hour.

The recipe yields 600g dough.

Divide into 2 equal portions.

Roll the first portion to 27cm round disc (I used a dinner plate as a template).

Save any off cuts.

Roll the second portion to 30cm round disc.

Save any off cuts.

Spoon the filling onto the first pastry, 4cm high, leaving 2cm border.

Brush the border with a beaten egg.

Cover with the second pastry.

Press the edges together to seal in the filling.

Score the top.

Brush with the beaten egg.

I divided the off cuts into 2 portions.

Roll the first portion to 14cm disc.

Roll the second to 17cm disc.

Spoon the filling onto the first pastry, 4cm high, leaving 2cm border.

Brush the border with the beaten egg.

Cover with the second pastry.

Press the edges together to seal in the filling.

Score the top.

Brush with the beaten egg.

Bake in 220c fan forced oven for 30 minutes.

Serve with vegetables and mashed potatoes.

Note: if you have any filling left, place in a saucepan with the cooking liquor. Bring up to the simmer and serve with the pie.

Saturday 1 October 2016

Thai Steamed Trout with Garlic and Lime Sauce.

Thai Steamed Trout with Garlic and Lime Sauce.

This aromatic steamed trout is healthy and clean tasting, so needed after our weekend bingeing on all things naughty. Trout is oily, so I thought a strong pungent sauce would cut though the slightly fatty and fishy flesh. The trout is also stuffed with strong herbs and spices and there's barely any fishiness left but the spicy zesty sauce really lifts the dish.


-3 cloves sliced garlic.

-3cm, thickly sliced ginger.

-1 stalk lemongrass, sliced.

-5-6 kaffir lime leaves

-3-4 sprigs coriander.

For the trout.

500g scaled, gutted and score the skin.

Seasoned with salt and pepper.

Stuff the cavity with the herbs and spices.

If you still have some leftover, place under or over the trout in the steamer.

Steam for 15-18 minutes.

Place on a serving platter.

Spoon over the sauce.

Spicy lime sauce .

In a food processor, put in

-3 cloves garlic,

-2cm roughly sliced ginger,

-2 shallots,

-a small bunch of coriander,

-chillies (I put in 15 but adjust according to your taste),

-1 stalk lemongrass, cut into chunks.

Pulse to combine.

Spoon into a bowl, add

-100ml fish sauce,

-100ml water,

-juice of 1 lime.

-2tsp of sugar.

Mix well to combine. Taste and adjust the seasoning, you should be able to taste, spicy, sweet and sour.

Beef in Chilli and Basil.

Beef in Chilli and Basil.

Another variation of the most consumed meal in Thailand. I am 6,000 miles away from home and I am still making up the statistics. When a person orders this meal in a restaurant, there's an assumption that he/she lacks imagination and doesn't know what they want to eat. I ALWAYS know what I want to eat but I find this dish to be cleansing after a plateful of bacon and syrup.

Serves 4.

For the spices.

In a pestle and mortar, pound

-4 large cloves of garlic,

-as many hot chillies as you dare (around 10 in mine),

-1tsp sea salt.

Pound well to combine.

For the beef.

700g rump steak, roughly minced.

For the sauce.

In a bowl, put in

-1/2tsp caster sugar,

-2tbsp soy sauce,

-2tbsp oyster sauce,

-1tbsp black soy sauce,

-1tsp fish sauce.

Mix well and leave aside.

For the basil.

-60g washed basil leaves.

In a large wok, on high heat, with a tablespoon of vegetable oil, add

-the spices.

Cook, stirring for 30 seconds or so, add

-the beef,

Stir fry to coat the beef in the spices until almost cooked through, add

-the sauce.

Stir well to combine, add

-basil leaves.

Continue to cook for 30 seconds or so.

Serve with rice and soft boiled egg.

Pancakes with Bacon and Syrup.

Pancakes with Bacon and Syrup.

Thick, soft and spongy pancakes served alongside salted crispy bacon and lashings of golden syrup, naughtiness at its best. The girls have woken me up extra early to make these, they were full of praise so they're forgiven. The batter yields 14 pancakes and they've left me 2!!! My younger daughter has said they are my best yet!


40g butter, melted and leave to cool.

In a large bowl, put in,

-250g plain flour,

-2tbsp caster sugar,

-1tsp vanilla bean paste,

-1/2tsp salt,

-1tbsp baking powder.

Stir well to combine, add

-2 whisked eggs,

-330ml whole milk.

Whisk well to combine, add

-melted butter.

Whisk and transfer into a jug.

Cook in a frying pan, on medium-low heat, greased with butter.