I get asked quite often why I like to cook. The first reason I give is normally because I like to eat. I am Thai and food is a big factor in our culture. We greet each other with hello followed by 'have you eaten? When guests turn up at your house it's safe to assume that they will expect to be fed.

The second reason is that as I grew up in the Northeastern part of Thailand, the poorest region, food was always hard to come by. We weren't hungry as there was always rice, but it was difficult finding something to go with rice. Now I do have ingredients to go with rice, I want to cook!

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Vegetable and Pearl Barley Soup.

Vegetable and Pearl Barley Soup.

Lightly spiced, chunky vegetable and pearl barley soup with a hint of salty smokiness of the bacon. A substantial, filling soup, with side serving of bread rolls, it's a proper supper in itself. An extraordinarily hearty and economical soup (500g bag of pearl barley costs 55p).

Serves 2.

   For the pearl barley.
In a large saucepan, put in
-150g pearl barley, with 
-500ml cold water,
-1tsp sea salt.
Bring up to the boil. Leave to cook for 10 minutes.
Drain and leave aside.

In a large saucepan, with a tablespoon of olive oil, fry
-2 sliced onions,
-2 cloves chopped garlic,
-2 rashers sliced bacon,
-1/2tsp cayenne pepper,
-1tsp paprika.
Cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables have softened, add
-200g thinly sliced carrots,
-4 sliced tomatoes.
Cook, stirring occasionally for a minute or so, add
-500ml chicken stock.
Leave to simmer gently for around 10 minutes or until the carrots are cooked through, add
-cooked pearl barley.
Stir well and leave the barley to soak up the flavours for a minute or so.

Spoon into a serving bowl.

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