I get asked quite often why I like to cook. The first reason I give is normally because I like to eat. I am Thai and food is a big factor in our culture. We greet each other with hello followed by 'have you eaten? When guests turn up at your house it's safe to assume that they will expect to be fed.

The second reason is that as I grew up in the Northeastern part of Thailand, the poorest region, food was always hard to come by. We weren't hungry as there was always rice, but it was difficult finding something to go with rice. Now I do have ingredients to go with rice, I want to cook!

Friday 5 August 2016

Chicken Tagine.


Chicken Tagine.

We are off on a road trip and I've stocked the fridge with a few of the family's favourite meals. This chicken tagine is probably going to be the last CCC post for a while, unless of course I manage to cook something worth sharing from our motorhome. Thank you for still being here and I hope to be back in the autumn with more recipes to share with you.
Thank you to the Mobile Crew for the Charlotte à l'Orange et à l'Armagnac. I used it to sweeten the tagine instead of dry fruits. For those without, marmalade or dry fruits will be just fine.

In a large bowl, put 
-600g free range chicken thighs.
-1/2tsp ground cinnamon,
-1/2tsp turmeric powder,
-1/2tsp ground ginger,
-1/2tsp paprika,
-1/2tsp cayenne pepper (adjust according to your taste)
-1tsp harissa paste (adjust according to your taste)
-1tbsp olive oil.
Mix well to combine. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hours to overnight.

When ready.
In a tagine or casserole pan, fry
-1 sliced onion, with
-2 cloves chopped garlic,
-1tsp whole cumin seeds,
Cook, stirring until the onions have caramelised. Add
-chicken portions,
-1/2tsp paprika,
-1/2tsp cayenne pepper (adjust according to your taste)
-1/2 ground cinnamon,
-1/2tsp ground ginger,
-1/2tsp turmeric powder,
-2tsp harissa paste,
-chopped chillies (optional).
Cook, stirring to coat the beef in the spices. Add
-3 tomatoes, quartered.
-250ml water or chicken stock,
-2tbsp chopped parsley,
-2tbsp chopped coriander,
-1tbsp Charlotte à l'Orange et à l'Armagnac
Stir well.
Cover with a lid.

Leave to simmer on medium-low heat for around 45 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through and tender.
Check and give the chicken a stir every 10 minutes or so.

When cooked.
Taste and adjust the seasoning.
You may need more soy sauce for saltines.

Wednesday 3 August 2016



Yesterday, the girls and I made a big batch of raspberry cookies and as it's school holiday we are awfully short of eaters. I have used the cookies instead of madeira cake in this summery, sharp and sweet trifle. We have family coming for lunch tomorrow and are hoping they'll come extremely hungry. Thank you Rosie for the eggs and Mrs. Tout for the red and blackcurrants, the raspberries are ours. 

6x300ml capacity glasses.

Crumble 650g raspberry biscuits.

   For the custard.
In a large bowl, whisk
-8 egg yolks, with
-180g caster sugar, 
-2tsp vanilla bean paste,
-1 1/2tsp cornflour.
-pinch of salt.
Leave aside.

In a large saucepan, put in
-600ml double cream,
-600ml milk.
Cook on low heat to just below boiling point.
-1/2 cup of hot milk to 
-egg/ sugar mixture,whisking all the time. Continue to add hot milk this way until at least 2 cups of milk have been used. This is to stop the egg mixture curdling.
Then add the rest of the mixture. 
Pour the custard back into the saucepan.
Cook, stirring constantly on low heat for around 10 minutes or until thickened.
Transfer to a jug. 
Leave to cool.

   The summer berries.
In a large saucepan, put in
-300g raspberries,
-500g blackcurrants,
-350g redcurrants,
-200g brown sugar.
Leave to cook on low heat, stirring occasionally until the fruits have broken down, add
-2tsp cornflour mixed with a tablespoon or so of water.
Stir well.
Leave to cool.

   To assemble.
Divide 1/2 biscuits mixture between the 6 glasses.
Spoon on the summer berries (Divide 1/2 summer berry mixture between the 6 glasses).
Pour on the custard (divide 1/2 custard between the 6 glasses).
Add the remaining biscuit crumbs.
Spoon on the remaining summer berries.
Pour on the remaining custard.
Top with 600g raspberries.

Spring Rolls ปอเปี๊ยะทอด

Spring Rolls ปอเปี๊ยะทอด

Attempting to cheer up the best human being whom I am lucky enough to be her friend.The last time, I made these spring rolls, she got given 2 and thought they were marvellous. She is coming over for lunch, I hope you are ready to eat 40, Rosie Spikings! Another big thank you to the Mobile Crew, the pepper jelly has been used to sweeten and spice up the tomato relish. I think Rosie will approve.

In a large bowl, put in
-100g dry vermicelli noodles, with
-cold water, enough to cover the noodles.
Leave to soak for 20 minutes.
When ready, drain and snip with scissors.

In a large bowl, put in
-30g dry Shitake mushrooms, add
-cold water.
Leave aside for 30 minutes to soften.
But substitute with 100g fresh chestnut mushrooms if you prefer.

-2 cloves chopped garlic,
-2tbsp chopped ginger,
-3 chopped spring onions,
-2 carrots, finely chopped 
-50g chopped cabbage.

In a large wok, fry
-1.5kg mince pork,
Cook, stirring until the pork is almost cooked through, add
Stir well to combine, add
-2tbsp oyster sauce,
-2tbsp soy sauce,
-1tbsp sesame oil,
-1tbsp fish sauce,
-1tsp white pepper,
-pinch of salt.
Stir fry until the pork is cooked through.
Taste and adjust the seasoning.
Leave to cool completely.

This mixture makes 40 spring rolls, 15x15 pastry sheet.
I filled each piece with around 2 1/2 tbsp of mixture.
Instead of a beaten egg the 'glue' used to seal the edges together is water and flour.
Mix 1tbsp of plain flour with 1tbsp of water.
The picture instructions on how to roll the spring rolls are on the packet and is probably more useful than me trying to explain.

Cook in the AirFryer in batches at 200c for 6-8 minutes.

Serve with herb and tomato relish.

      Tomato Relish.
In a large saucepan, with a tablespoon of vegetable oil, put in 
-2 sliced onions, 
-2 cloves chopped garlic,
-5-6 sprig coriander,
-4 chillies,
Cook stirring occasionally until the vegetables have softened, add
-2x400g tinned tomatoes,
-1tbsp balsamic vinegar,
-2tbsp soy sauce,
-1tsp salt,
-3tbsp pepper jelly.
Leave to simmer until the sauce has thickened (stirring occasionally) for around 20-30 minutes.
Taste and adjust the seasoning.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Raspberry and Pistachio Crumble Cookies.

Raspberry and Pistachio Crumble Cookies.

This is a super easy recipe, no creaming or whisking necessary just good old stirring. A fuss- free cookie recipe that delivers big. These deliciously soft, sweet and sour raspberry cookies have been teamed with crunchy CCC crumble combo for extra yumminess. A perfect rainy day activity with the girls.

Makes 28.

In a large bowl, put in
-150g melted butter,
-300g caster sugar,
-1tsp vanilla bean paste.
Mix well to combine, add 
-600g self raising flour,
-1tsp baking powder.
Stir well, add
-1 whisked egg,
-200g raspberries.
Divide into 28 equal portions.
Place onto 4 baking trays, lined with baking paper.
Press lightly with the back of a spoon.
Press the crumble lightly onto the cookies (don't worry about getting crumbs on the trays, the cookies will eat them up as they cook)

Bake in 180c fan forced oven for 15 minutes.
The cookies should still be extremely soft.
Leave to cool completely on the baking trays.

   For the crumble.
In a bowl, put in,
-30g melted butter,
-40g caster sugar,
-30g plain flour,
-30g chopped pistachios,
-15g rolled oats,
-15g desiccated coconut.
Stir to combine.

Monday 1 August 2016

Ginger and Chilli Pork Belly

Ginger and Chilli Pork Belly ผัดพริกขิงหมูกรอบ.

These smoky and crispy pork belly slices have been stir fried with very generous amount of chillies and ginger. Definitely time consuming, certainly delicious and absolutely bad for you. However, there's an unwritten rule that happy calories do NOT count...

   The pork.
In a large oven tray, place
-1kg pork belly slices, with
-2tsp sea salt,
-5-6 cloves crushed garlic.
Mix well.
Place the pork belly slices flesh side down.
Bake in 200c fan oven for around 1 1/2 hours.
Leave to cool, slice thinly.

   The vegetables.
-6cm sliced ginger,
-6 sliced chillies,
-4 sliced spring onions.

In a wok, with a tablespoon of vegetable oil, stir fry
-the vegetables,
-1/2tsp sea salt.
Cook, stirring occasionally until the vegetables have softened, add
-sliced pork belly.
Cook, stirring to coat the meat in the vegetables for a couple of minutes or so.
Serve with rice.